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Table of contents
Defining Developer Relations - Phil Leggetter
What is Developer Advocacy? - Ashley McNamara
Developer Evangelism - Chris Heilmann
Developer Experience VS User Experience? - Malte Ubl
The Best Practices for a Great Developer Experience - Sam Jarman
Things we can do to create a better Developer Experience - A. Sharif
The Core Competencies of Developer Relations - Reto Meier
DevRel: Marketing, Product Management, Or Neither? - Francine Hardaway
- Turning a community into evangelism helpers — DevRelCon Notes - Christian Heilmann
A Year of Developer Relations - Brook Shelley
Developer Relations Vs Marketing - Burke Holland
Answering some questions on Developer Evangelism - Christian Heilmann
20 Articles on Developer Evangelism — The Ultimate List
What does a developer evangelist/advocate do? - Christian Heilmann
What in the world is a developer evangelist? - Michelle Nickolaisen
Building Developer Relations Teams - Heavybit Industries
Building the next developer experiences - Romain Huet
Developers: customer or partner? - Sam Machin
The developer relations bill of rights - Anil Dash
Activating developers to drive your advocacy program - Brian Douglas
Connecting dev rel and product - Bear Douglas
The intersection of developer relations and product management - Matt Bernier
Live API Teardown - Cristiano Betta
So you have a code of conduct, now what? - Sarah Sharp
How user research can improve the developer experience - Amelia Ambreu
Building positive developer support experiences - Bear Douglas
Measuring the Health of your OSS Community: Jono Bacon
Measuring developer relations: Rey Bango
Scaling developer evangelism: Rob Spectre
Brick by brick approach to developer experience: Cristiano Betta
Understanding burnout: Brandon West
The Art of Slide Design - Melinda Seckington
The Seven Deadly Sins of Developer Onboarding - Cristiano Betta
Building effective community leaders: a guide - Jono Bacon
Dev Advocacy FTW! - Alex Salazar
Error Messages: Being Humble, Human, and Helpful - Kate Voss
Building navigation for your doc site: 5 best practices - Tom Johnson
Making Your Code Examples Shine - Larry Ullman
Start with the tasks, not the endpoints - Sarah Hersh
How to grow and use a strong community - Mada Seghete
Scaling external advocacy without losing your soul - Joe Nash
Why developer relations should care about design - Melissa Powel
Finding the extraordinary in the ordinary - Jarred Kenealy
Going to infinity and beyond documentation with OpenAPI - Taylor Barnett
Open source events and business strategy - Leslie Hawthorn & Laura Czajkowski
Reactive versus proactive strategies for developer relations - Jessica West
Tackling technical debt in the docs - Louise Fahey
Measuring the impact of your documentation - Liam Keegan
On the Importance of Building Community and How to Get Started - P. Nigel Brown
DevRel Collective
Write the Docs
DEV Community
Hackathon Hackers
Hackathon Hackers EU
Major League Hacking
Hacker News
DevRelCon Tokyo
DevRel Summit
Write the Docs
API the Docs
MLH Hackcon
Twilio Signal
GitHub Universe