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DV-PHP-CORE copied to clipboard

Devless is a ready-made back-end for development of web or mobile applications. It is fully open source under the permissive Apache v2 license. This means that you can develop your front end without w...

Results 4 DV-PHP-CORE issues
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Bumps [guzzlehttp/psr7](https://github.com/guzzle/psr7) from 1.4.2 to 1.8.5. Release notes Sourced from guzzlehttp/psr7's releases. 1.8.5 See change log for changes. 1.8.4 See change log for changes. 1.8.3 See change log for changes....


Bumps [symfony/http-foundation](https://github.com/symfony/http-foundation) from 2.7.41 to 2.7.51. Commits - [`b67e5cb`](https://github.com/symfony/http-foundation/commit/b67e5cbd2bf837fb3681f2c4965826d6c6758532) security #cve-2019-10913 [HttpFoundation] reject invalid method override (nic... - [`e8eb43e`](https://github.com/symfony/http-foundation/commit/e8eb43e042f839b01afe6b5019e4c0c204634dfb) [2.7] Make CI green - [`b045094`](https://github.com/symfony/http-foundation/commit/b0450941536afecc0142fda28db37dd3b67931b4) [HttpFoundation] Remove support for legacy...


The event var is empty if you try accessing it in the rules engine post `afterSigninIn()` rule. I was trying to implement user account activity logging.

Current Output: ```json "profile": { "0": {"id": 1, "devless_user_id": 1, "designate": 1, "users_id": 1, "code": 9888, "start_time": "2018/08/16"}, "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe", ... } ``` Expected Output: ```json "profile": {...