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A simple Ethereum lottery (defunct)


A simple (but upgradeable) lottery contract on Ethereum.

Deployed at 0x58B79dFe37D3eD6b44582fb0C6591680C3d51DB8

Current rules:

  • Ticket price: 1 finney
  • Number of picks: 4
  • Range of picks: 0-63 (2^6)
  • Round length: 43,200 blocks (~7 days)
  • Owner fee: 5%

Tickets can be purchased from the current round by sending the ticket price to either the pickTicket or randomTicket methods. For pickTicket, the picks must be expressed as a 4-byte hexadecimal number (e.g. 0x01020304).

At the close of a round, the hidden entropy source is revealed, and winning numbers picked. If your picks match the winning number, you win a share of the pot (proportional to the number of winners). The current odds stand somewhere around 1:16M (1 in (2^6)^4)


Abbreviated ABIs. Full ABIs can be found in app/abis

Lotto ABI:


LotteryRound ABI:


Playing with Ethereum Wallet:

To play, watch the Lotto contract with the provided Lotto ABI. Query the contract for the current round, and watch this address with the LotteryRound ABI.

If you'd like, you can watch the contract for events, as well.

To pick tickets, call pickTicket, send along 1 finney (the current ticket price) and specify your 4 picks (0-63) as a 4-byte hexadecimal number (e.g. 0x01020304). Picks must be between 0 and 63 (inclusive, and in hex: 0x00 to 0x3f).

To get a randomly-selected ticket, call randomTicket, sending along 1 finney (the current ticket price).

Playing with Mist:

Coming soon

Playing with Metamask:

Coming soon