Open the file "__ffmpeg-4.0/libswresample/arm/audio_convert_neon.S__" Delete `_swri_oldapi_conv_flt_to_s16_neon:` and `_swri_oldapi_conv_fltp_to_s16_2ch_neon:`. Change `_swri_oldapi_conv_flt_to_s16_neon` to `X(swri_oldapi_conv_flt_to_s16_neon)` and `_swri_oldapi_conv_fltp_to_s16_2ch_neon` to `X(swri_oldapi_conv_fltp_to_s16_2ch_neon)`. ``` ... function swri_oldapi_conv_flt_to_s16_neon, export=1 // >> Delete Begin // _swri_oldapi_conv_flt_to_s16_neon: // > Delete...
By default, xcode will build active architecture only. If you are about to build for iPhone 5s or newer devices, __arm64__ is the active architecture. So you need to build...
Sorry, I'm not good at video processing. But I think [GPUImage(filtering-and-re-encoding-a-movie)]( will help you.
Thank you for issuing this problem. I have fixed it, please check :)
Could you provide the details about the new problem?
When the player shows the first frame, pause the player immediately.
Could you provide more details? What's the environment? TS stream server or files? What happened when the stream reached the end?
I see. I will fix it later.
大神不敢当,ffmpeg我也只是刚入门。 有什么问题可以在这里公开讨论,不仅能帮助其他人,也能让其他人参与进来。