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List of Science courses with video lectures
List of Science & Math courses with video lectures
Please note this is collection of courses on Science and math, please do not add talks to the list.
General (uncategorized)
- 8.01 Physics I: Classical Mechanics, Fall 1999, Walter Lewin (YouTube)
- 8.02 Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism, Spring 2002, Walter Lewin (YouTube)
- 8.03 Physics III: Vibrations and Waves, Fall 2004, Walter Lewin (YouTube)
- Collection of Physics video lectures
- The Mechanical Universe - Caltech
- 8.421 Atomic and Optical Physics I, MIT OCW
- 8.422 Atomic and Optical Physics II, MIT OCW
- 8.821 String Theory and Holographic Duality, MIT OCW
- 8.851 Effective Field Theory, MIT OCW
The Theoretical Minimum, Leonard Susskind, Stanford University (YouTube - All lectures in order), courses:
- Classical Mechanics
- Quantum Mechanics
- Special Relativity and Electrodynamics
- General Relativity
- Cosmology
- Statistical Mechanics
- Advanced Quantum Mechanics
- Higgs Boson
- Quantum Entanglement
- Relativity
- Particle Physics 1: Basic Concepts
- Particle Physics 2: Standard Model
- Particle Physics 3: Supersymmetry and Grand Unification
- String Theory
- Cosmology and Black Holes
- Physics 3A: Basic Physics (English), UC Irvine
- Physics 3B: Basic Physics II (English)
- Physics 3C: Basic Physics III (English), UC Irvine
- Physics 255: General Relativity, UC Irvine
- Physics 20B: Cosmology (English), UC Irvine
- Neutrino Physics (Amol Dighe), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
- Physics 121 Spring 2015, Santa Barbara City College
- Physics 122 Fall 2013, Santa Barbara City College
- SBCC Physics 123 Spring 2014, Santa Barbara City College
- Supersymmetry (University of Cambridge)
- Introduction to Nuclear Physics MIT
- Tensor Calculus, Multilinear Algebra and Differential Geometry (General Relativity Prerequisites)
- Phys 237: Gravitational Waves with Kip Thorne - Caltech
Mathematical Physics
Quantum Physics
- 8.04 Quantum Physics I, MIT OCW
- 8.05 Quantum Physics II, MIT OCW
- Lectures on Quantum Theory, Fredric Schuller
- Quantum Mechanics - Oxford University
- Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
- Physics 253: Quantum Field Theory Lectures by Sidney R. Coleman, Harvard University
- Quantum Field Theory II, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
- Quantum Field Theory (University of Cambridge)
- Quantum Field Theory, String Theory and Beyond, Israel Institute for Advanced Studies
String Theory
Statistical Mechanics
Particle Physics
- 18.01 Single Variable Calculus (Fall 2006) - MIT OCW
- Calculus Revisited: Single Variable Calculus - MIT OCW
- Mathematics 16A - Analytic Geometry and Calculus, Thomas Scanlon, Fall 2013 - UC Berkeley
- 18.02 Multivariable Calculus (Fall 2007) - MIT OCW
- Calculus Revisited: Multivariable Calculus - MIT OCW
- Mathematics 16B - Analytic Geometry and Calculus Professor Thomas Scanlon, Fall 2011 - UC Berkeley
- Mathematics 53 Multivariable Calculus - UC Berkeley
- 18.03 Differential Equations (Spring 2010) - MIT OCW
- Highlights of Calculus, Gilbert Strang - MIT OCW
- Mathematics 16A Analytic Geometry and Calculus, Fall 2011 - UCBerkeley
- Mathematics 16B Analytic Geometry and Calculus, Fall 2011 - UCBerkeley
- Calculus I - New York University
- Calculus One - Ohio State University
- Calculus III: Multivariable Calculus (Princeton University)
- Calculus - University of Houston
- Calculus Revisited: Complex Variables, Differential Equations, and Linear Algebra - MIT OCW
- Math 31A Differential & Integral Calculus, UCLA
- Math 1210, Calculus 1 - University of Utah
- Math 1220, Calculus 2 - University of Utah
- Math 2210, Calculus 3 - University of Utah
- MA 107 Precalculus I - NCSU
- MA 121 Elements of Calculus - NCSU
- MA 141 Calculus I - NCSU
- MA 241 Calculus II - NCSU
- MA 242 Calculus III - NCSU
- MA 341 Applied Differential Equations I - NCSU
Linear Algebra
- 18.06SC Linear Algebra (Fall 2011) - MIT OCW
- Linear Algebra (Princeton University)
- Part 1 Linear Algebra: An In-Depth Introduction with a Focus on Applications (Part 2 Part 3)
- A first course in Linear Algebra - N J Wildberger - UNSWelearning
- MATH 3328/2318 Linear Algebra - Lamar
- Math 220 - Introductory Linear Algebra, Fall 2013 - WSU
- Basic Linear Algebra - LadislauFernandes
Probability & Statistics
- 6.041 Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability - MIT OCW
- Statistics 110: Probability - Harvard University
- Stat 2 - Fall 2006: Introduction to Statistics - UC Berkeley
- Statistics 20, Fall 2010 - UCBerkeley
- Statistics 21 - Introductory Probability and Statistics for Business, Fall 2009 - UCBerkeley
- Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis - University of Michigan
- Math 3C Probability for Math Science - UCLA
- 6.262 Discrete Stochastic Processes - MIT OCW
- DTU: Introduction to Statistics
- Probability & Statistics with Prof David Spiegelhalter
General (uncategorized)
- Math Foundations A (1-79) - Prof Wildberger (B (80-149), C (150-- ) )
- 18.085 Computational Science and Engineering I - MIT OCW
- 18.086 Mathematical Methods for Engineers II - MIT OCW
- Advanced Scientific Computing: Numerical Methods, Fall 2013 - Harvard University
- Introduction to Numerical Analysis I - NCSU
- Tensor Calculus and the Calculus of Moving Surfaces
- Abstract Algebra - Harvard University (Another link)
- Sets, Counting, and Probability - Harvard University
- Lie Groups - Harvard University
- Geometry - Prof Dr CEM TEZER - METU Math373
- Algebraic Topology - Prof Dr YILDIRAY OZAN - METU Math537 - 2020 Fall
- Algebraic Topology: a beginner's course - N J Wildberger - UNSWelearning
- Group Theory - LadislauFernandes
- Group Theory - Ben Garside
- Ted Chinburg's Lectures on Algebraic Number Theory - Math 620 (Math 621 Math 720 Math 721)
- Algebraic Knot Theory - University of Toronto
- Geometric Representation Theory Seminar - Fall 2007 - UC Riverside
- Morse Theory: UGA 2012
- Lie Groups 2012, University of Utrecht
- MATH 648W: Wavelet Theory and Waveform Design - University of Maryland
- Arithmetic geometry - Clay Mathematics Institute Summer School 2006
- 12-267 Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations, Fall 2012 - University of Toronto
- 15-859S / 21-801A: Analysis of Boolean Functions 2012 - CMU
- Topics in Logic: Computability Theory, Sp 2011 - University of Colorado Boulder
- Calculus I with Professor Richard Delaware - University of Missouri - Kansas City
- Introduction to Real Analysis - METU Math349 - Fall 2020 - Prof Dr YILDIRAY OZAN
- MATH-501 Real Analysis - I (Another link)
- Real Analysis - Harvey Mudd College
- Math312 (Linear algebra) - UPenn
- Math340 (Homological algebra) - UPenn
- Math350 (Number theory) - UPenn (YouTube)
- Math371 (Algebra II), 2011 - UPenn
- Math371 (Algebra II), 2014 - UPenn
- Math602 (Graduate algebra 1), 2011 - UPenn
- Math602 (Graduate algebra 1), 2013 - UPenn
- Math603 (Graduate algebra 2), 2014 - UPenn
- Math702 (Algebraic number theory) - UPenn
- Math703 (Algebraic number theory II) - UPenn
- Number Theory of 2015, James Cook - Liberty University
- UCCS Video Course Archive - requires free registration
- History of Mathematics - N J Wildberger - UNSWelearning
- Hyperbolic Geometry - N J Wildberger - UNSWelearning
- Rational Trigonometry--- N J Wildberger - UNSWelearning
- Trigonometry - Harrisburg Area Community College
- Vector Calculus @ UNSW Sydney. Dr Chris Tisdell - UNSWelearning
- Videos of Probability and Statistics Courses - compiled by Dr. M. Hlynka, University of Windsor
- EE261 - The Fourier Transform and its Applications
- EE263 - Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems
- EE364A - Convex Optimization I
- EE364B - Convex Optimization II
- EE230 - Probability and Random Variables, METUOpenCourseWare
- Advanced Complex Analysis - Part 1:Zeros of Analytic Functions,Analytic continuation, Monodromy, Hyperbolic Geometry and the Reimann Mapping Theorem - IIT Madras
- Advanced Complex Analysis - Part 2: Compactness of Meromorphic Functions in the Spherical Metric, Spherical Derivative, Normality, Theorems of Marty-Zalcman-Montel-Picard-Royden-Schottky - IIT Madras
- A Basic Course in Real Analysis - IIT Kharagpur
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics - IIT Kharagpur
- Advanced Matrix Theory and Linear Algebra for Engineers - IISC Bangalore
- An Introduction to Riemann Surfaces and Algebraic Curves: Complex 1-Tori and Elliptic Curves - IIT Madras
- Applied Multivariate Analysis - IIT Kanpur
- Basic Algebraic Geometry : Varieties, Morphisms, Local Rings, Function Fields and Nonsingularity - IIT Madras
- Calculus of Variations and Integral Equations - IIT Kanpur
- Complex Analysis - IIT GUWAHATI
- Convex Optimization - IIT Kanpur
- Discrete Mathematics - IIT Roorkee
- Dynamic Data Assimilation: an introduction - IIT Madras
- Elementary Numerical Analysis - IIT Bombay
- Foundations of Optimization - IIT Kanpur
- Functional Analysis - IIT Kharagpur
- Linear Algebra - IIT Madras
- Linear programming and Extensions - IIT Kanpur
- Mathematical Logic - IIT Madras
- Measure and Integration - IIT Bombay
- Applied Multivariate Statistical Modeling - IIT Kharagpur
- An invitation to mathematics - IIT Madras
- Basic Calculus for Engineers, Scientists and Economists - IIT Kanpur
- Curves and Surfaces - IIT Kanpur
- Differential Calculus in Several Variables - IIT Kanpur
- Discrete Mathematics - IIT Madras
- Partial Differential Equations (PDE) for Engineers: Solution by Separation of Variables - IIT Kharagpur
- Probability and Statistics - IIT Kharagpur
- Probability and Stochastics for finance - IIT Kanpur
- Stochastic Processes - 1 - IIT Bombay
- Numerical methods of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations - IIT Kharagpur
- Optimization - IIT Kharagpur
- Ordinary Differential Equations and Applications - IISC Bangalore
- Probability and Statistics - IIT Kharagpur
- Probability Theory and Applications - IIT Kanpur
- Real Analysis - IIT Madras
- Regression Analysis - IIT Kharagpur
- Statistical Inference - IIT Kharagpur
- Stochastic Processes - IIT Bombay
- Statistical Methods for Scientists and Engineers - IIT Kharagpur
- Mathematics 128A - Numerical Analysis, Spring 2014 - UC Berkeley
- Algebraic Lie Theory - Cambridge University
- Analysis on Graphs and its Applications - Cambridge University
- Combinatorics and Statistical Mechanics - Cambridge University
- GRASP Lecture Series: Geometry, Representations, and some Physics - The University of Texas at Austin
- Lectures on Topology and Field Theories - University of Notre Dame
- Mathematical Analysis - University of Nottingham (YouTube)
- Math 1010 (Intermediate Algebra) - University of Utah
- Math 1050, College Algebra - University of Utah
- Math 1090, Business Algebra - University of Utah
- Math 1030, Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning - University of Utah
- Math 1060, Trigonometry - University of Utah
- Math 646 - Mathematical Problems II - TAMU
- Applied Complex Variables (Math 3160) - UoU
- Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (Math 2250) - UoU
- Partial Differential Equations (Math 3150) - UoU
- Vector Calculus and Partial Differential Equations (Math 3140) - UoU
- 01325 Mathematics 4 Real Analysis F13
- MATH 676: Finite element methods in scientific computing - TAMU
- Mathematics - Foundations of Pure Mathematics - University of Nottingham
- Mathematics - Functional Analysis - University of Nottingham
- Topology & Geometry by Dr Tadashi Tokieda
- Lecture Series on Bing topology and Casson handles - Max Planck Institute for Mathematics
- Classification of Topological 4-manifolds (Semester on 4-manifolds) - Max Planck Institute for Mathematics
- Holistic Numerical Methods
- Tim Gowers - Computational Complexity and Quantum Compuation
- Topology - ThoughtSpaceZero
- Lectures on Basic Algebraic Geometry by Miles Reid (WCU project)
- Lectures on Algebraic Surfaces by Miles Reid (WCU project)
- Math 240 - Linear algebra and differential equations (Fall 2018) - Ted Chinburg - UPenn
- Math 720 - Advanced Number Theory (Fall 2018)
- Math 210 - Mathematics in the information age (Spring 2018)
- Math 702 - Topics in Algebra (Spring 2018)
- Math 603 - Graduate Algebra (Spring 2017)
- Math 350 - Number theory (Fall 2014)
- Math 371 - Second semester undergraduate abstract algebra (Fall 2014)
- Math 602 - Abstract Algebra (Fall 2013)
- Math 603 - Abstract Algebra (Spring 2014)