Aadhaar-UID-Masking-Tool icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Aadhaar-UID-Masking-Tool copied to clipboard

Final Year Project for Aadhar Card Masking Using Deep Learning and Image Processing Concepts.


forthebadge made-with-python

This project provides, Support of Extraction, Verification and Masking of Aadhaar UIDs from photos and scanned documents. The solution to the problem involves use of PyTesseract Optical Character Recognition engine and OpenCV for image processing.


In today's world scams are being done by taking personal information. Aadhaar card is one of the document which can be used to get information of a person because it has its address, mobile number, personal information and also bank accounts attached to it so to prevent that information aadhaar card number has to be hidden not completely but partially like account number so that personal and financial information can be preserved so that frauds can be reduced to a certain extent. So we aimed to build a CNN model to mask the partial UID (Unique Identification) of the aadhaar irrespective of the format and orientation of aadhaar provided. This model achieved an accuracy of 94.6 % for both training as well as validation.


Sample Image


Note: For testing purposes we have used a publically available Aadhaar Sample. Which is available on (uidai.gov.in), We have not harmed anyone's privacy.

Home Screen Of the App

Taken this sample aadhar for the testing.

Unmasked Aadhar

App window will show the all available UID in the Aadhar Final Result

In the last step it will save the Masked Copy in the project folder itself. Masked Aadhar

Main Features

  • It can do batch operations and save the final output in .tiff file formate.
  • Provide excellent PDF merging support.
  • Able to recognize UID from any type of file format such as jpeg, png, pdf etc.
  • The language is different in Aadhaar in different regions and this is a very critical problem, but our model can also recognize different languages easily.

Algorithms Used

In our solution pipeline we use some algorithms such as:

1.Verhoeff Algorithm: Aadhaar UID is a 12-digit number in which the last digit is a checksum digit calculated using this algorithm. It utilizes some tables (multiplication, inverse and permutation) for calculating the checksum bit. For validating, the same tables are used.

2.ESRGANs: Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks are capable of generating realistic textures during single image super-resolution. It achieves better visual quality with more realistic and natural textures than the original picture.


Note: Because of some dependencies issues with Tensorflow 2.0, We have used Python 3.7.9, This project is perfectly working on Windows machines but causing some issues with Linux based systems.

Step-1: Clone this repo and Install Python 3.7.9 in your machine.

Step-2: Install requirements.txt by entering below command in Windows Command Prompt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step-3: Extract poppler-0.68.0_x86 in C:\Program Files and provide the path of bin that is C:\Program Files\poppler-0.68.0\bin in the main code.

Step-4: Install tesseract-ocr-w64-setup-v5.0.0-alpha.20201127 and provide its path as pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd =r'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract' in code snippet.

Step-5: Run the code Masking.py

All Done!