svg-to-compose icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
svg-to-compose copied to clipboard

Converts SVG and Android Vector Drawable in Compose Multiplatform source code

Results 14 svg-to-compose issues
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This is probably easy to fix: ![Screenshot 2022-05-17 at 12 34 42](


1. Added support for Kotlin: 1.6.10 (other gradle updated): Tested. 2. Added generation test assertions 3. Added support for custom icon sizes ``` Svg2Compose.parse( ..., defaultSize:Int? = 0 // Should...

**Issue** - I try to convert bootstrap icons svg to compose. For the Fill icons it works, but for the normal icon it gives me exception. I have not checked...

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is it possible to use this as svg/xml text to image vector text as android library, ie saving to svg and reading from svg or xml is leads on developer,...

We can bundle core logic into a shadow Jar and make it executable, use it in Shell like: ```sh svg-to-compose dir/to/input dir/to/output ``` Also we can publish it to Brew...

Sorry, I removed by mistake `generatePreview` parameter from `IconWriter` constructor call when rebasing before raising and the build for 0.9.0 failed becase of it 🙇 (seen on: It...

when the vector is big, it has given MethodTooLargeException example: Caused by: Method too large: ./assets/vectors/AppMonetizationKt.getAppMonetization (./assets/VectorsGroup;)Landroidx/compose/ui/graphics/vector/ImageVector;

I have created a project that facilitates the use of this library through a docker image because the intellij plugin was not working for me so I have released this...