tft-bot copied to clipboard
here is some code
I saw someone asking about showing play time and the number of games i already coded it before, I felt the need to share it. here is my code it will show you "play time" and "end game count" after the game end
def won_match():
global gamecount
global endtimer
endtimer = time.time()
gamecount += 1
sec = (endtimer - starttimer)
hours = sec // 3600
sec = sec - hours*3600
mu = sec // 60
ss = sec - mu*60
gamecount2 = str(gamecount)
#result_list = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=sec)).split(".")
print("game end")
print("play time : ", int(float(hours)), "hour", int(float(mu)), "minutes", int(float(ss)), "second")
print("end game count : ", gamecount2)
time.sleep(random.uniform(2.01712, 3.38302))
time.sleep(random.uniform(4.51712, 5.08302))
The contents below are unnecessary for users of FHD resolution. It will be convenient for users who use a resolution higher than the fhd resolution ex)QHD, WQHD i am using QHD so i felt that I needed to fix the location of the game in the upper left corner to create insert item function here is code (your game will be move x:0 y:0 pos)
this is for def Start(): this will move lobby client's pos at "x:0 y:0 pos" when you start bot
hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(None, "League of Legends")
rect = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd)
x = rect[0]
y = rect[1]
win32gui.MoveWindow(hwnd,0,0,rect[2] - x,rect[3] - y,0)
auto.alert("Game not found.\n")
this is for game client (not a lobby client) windows 10 have hidden 7pixel size of bar at left side so i added detect winver method, if your using win10, it will -7 automately
while not onscreen("./captures/loading.png"):
time.sleep(random.uniform(1.09162, 1.44121))
print("game loading")
global starttimer
starttimer = time.time()
hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(None, "League of Legends (TM) Client")
rect = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd)
x = rect[0]
y = rect[1]
if platform.release() == "10":
win32gui.MoveWindow(hwnd,-7,0,rect[2] - x,rect[3] - y,0)
win32gui.MoveWindow(hwnd,0,0,rect[2] - x,rect[3] - y,0)
please understand my bad English 😢 I hope it helps other people 🙏