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fix these. TS2590: Expression produces a union type that is too complex to repre...
fix these. TS2590: Expression produces a union type that is too complex to represent.
import { Enumerate, LeadingZeros, Ordinal, RangeType } from './Number'
import { EnumerateAsString, PadStart, RangeAsString, ReplaceValuesWithMap } from './String'
type ShortEra = 'AC' | 'BC'
// these two don't do anything really as they just resolve to `${number}`, but leaving it here in case that changes
type LongYear = LeadingZeros<number, 4>
type MediumYear = LeadingZeros<number, 3>
type ShortYear = PadStart<EnumerateAsString<100>, 2, '0'>
type OrdinalYear = Ordinal
type Quarter = RangeType<1, 4>
type OrdinalQuarter = Ordinal<Quarter>
type MonthNumber = RangeType<1, 12>
type ShortMonth = LeadingZeros<MonthNumber, 2>
type OrdinalMonth = Ordinal<MonthNumber>
type ShortNamedMonth =
| 'Jan'
| 'Feb'
| 'Mar'
| 'Apr'
| 'May'
| 'Jun'
| 'Jul'
| 'Aug'
| 'Sep'
| 'Oct'
| 'Nov'
| 'Dec'
type LongNamedMonth =
| 'January'
| 'February'
| 'March'
| 'April'
| 'May'
| 'June'
| 'July'
| 'August'
| 'September'
| 'October'
| 'November'
| 'December'
type InitialMonth = 'J' | 'F' | 'M' | 'A' | 'S' | 'O' | 'N' | 'D'
type WeekOfYear = RangeAsString<1, 53>
type OrdinalWeekOfYear = Ordinal
type ShortWeekOfYear = PadStart<WeekOfYear, 2, '0'>
type DayOfMonth = RangeType<1, 31>
type OrdinalDayOfMonth = Ordinal<DayOfMonth>
type ShortDayOfMonth = LeadingZeros<DayOfMonth, 2>
type DayOfYear = RangeAsString<1, 366>
type OrdinalDayOfYear = Ordinal
// TODO: figure out why this causes stack depth error when MediumDayOfYear doesn't
type ShortDayOfYear = number // PadStart<DayOfYear, 2, '0'>
type MediumDayOfYear = PadStart<DayOfYear, 3, '0'>
type BiggerDayOfYear = number
type MediumDayOfWeek = 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thu' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' | 'Sun'
type LongDayOfWeek =
| 'Monday'
| 'Tuesday'
| 'Wednesday'
| 'Thursday'
| 'Friday'
| 'Saturday'
| 'Sunday'
type InitialDayOfWeek = 'M' | 'T' | 'W' | 'F' | 'S'
type ShortDayOfWeek = 'Mo' | 'Tu' | 'We' | 'Th' | 'Fr' | 'Sa' | 'Su'
type NumberedDayOfWeek = RangeType<1, 7>
type OrdinalDayOfWeek = Ordinal<NumberedDayOfWeek>
type ShortNumberedDayOfWeek = LeadingZeros<NumberedDayOfWeek, 2>
type AMorPM = 'AM' | 'PM'
type PunctuatedAMorPM = 'a.m' | 'p.m'
type InitialAMorPM = 'a' | 'p'
type NoonOrMidnight = 'noon' | 'midnight'
type FlexibleDayPeriod = 'at night' | 'in the morning'
type Hour1to12 = RangeType<1, 12>
type OrdinalHour1to12 = Ordinal<Hour1to12>
type ShortHour1to12 = LeadingZeros<Hour1to12, 2>
type Hour0to23 = Enumerate<23>
type OrdinalHour0to23 = Ordinal<Hour0to23>
type ShortHour0to23 = LeadingZeros<Hour0to23, 2>
type Hour0to11 = Enumerate<11>
type OrdinalHour0to11 = Ordinal<Hour0to11>
type ShortHour0to11 = LeadingZeros<Hour0to11, 2>
type Hour0to24 = RangeType<1, 24>
type OrdinalHour0to24 = Ordinal<Hour0to24>
type ShortHour0to24 = LeadingZeros<Hour0to24, 2>
type MinuteOrSecond = EnumerateAsString<59>
type OrdinalMinuteOrSecond = Ordinal
type ShortMinuteOrSecond = PadStart<MinuteOrSecond, 2, '0'>
type TenthOfSecond = Enumerate<9>
type HundredthOfSecond = EnumerateAsString<100>
type ThousandthOfSecond = EnumerateAsString<1000>
type TenThousandthOfSecond = number
// TODO: investigate these, as i think they're wrong
type TimezoneWithoutColon = `${'-' | '+'}${number}`
type TimezoneWithColon = `${'-' | '+'}${number}:${number}`
type TimezoneGMT = `GMT${'-' | '+'}${number}${`:${number}` | ''}`
type ShortLocalizedDate = `${ShortDayOfMonth}/${ShortMonth}/${LongYear}`
type MediumLocalizedDate = `${ShortNamedMonth} ${DayOfMonth}, ${LongYear}`
type OrdinalLocalizedDate = `${ShortNamedMonth} ${DayOfMonth}th, ${LongYear}`
type BiggerLocalizedDate = `${LongDayOfWeek}, ${LongNamedMonth} ${DayOfMonth}th, ${LongYear}`
type ShortLocalizedTime = `${RangeType<1, 12>}:${MinuteOrSecond} ${AMorPM}`
type ShortLocalizedTimeWithMilliseconds = `${RangeType<
>}:${MinuteOrSecond}:${MinuteOrSecond} ${AMorPM}`
type ShortLocalizedTimeWithMillisecondsAndTimezone = `${ShortLocalizedTimeWithMilliseconds} ${
string /* TODO: proper timezone types*/
// TODO: fix these. TS2590: Expression produces a union type that is too complex to represent.
type ShortDateAndTime = string // `${ShortLocalizedDate} ${ShortLocalizedTime}`
type OrdinalDateAndTimeWithMilliseconds = string // `${OrdinalLocalizedDate} ${ShortLocalizedTimeWithMilliseconds}`
* creates a type for a formatted date string as per the [`date-fns` format](https://date-fns.org/v2.20.1/docs/format)
export type FormattedDate<Format extends string> = ReplaceValuesWithMap<
// Era
GGGGG: 'A' | 'B'
GGGG: 'Anno Domini' | 'Before Christ'
GGG: ShortEra
GG: ShortEra
G: ShortEra
// Calendar year:
yyyy: LongYear
yyy: MediumYear
yy: ShortYear
yo: OrdinalYear
y: number
// Local week-numbering year
YYYY: LongYear
YYY: MediumYear
YY: ShortYear
Yo: OrdinalYear
Y: number
// ISO week-numbering year
RRRR: LongYear
RRR: MediumYear
RR: LeadingZeros<number, 2>
R: number
// Extended year
uuuu: LongYear
uuu: MediumYear
uu: LeadingZeros<number, 2>
u: number
// Quarter (stand-alone)
qqqq: `${OrdinalQuarter} quarter`
qqq: `Q${Quarter}`
qq: LeadingZeros<Quarter, 2>
q: Quarter
// Quarter (formatting)
QQQQ: `${OrdinalQuarter} quarter`
QQQ: `Q${Quarter}`
QQ: LeadingZeros<Quarter, 2>
Q: Quarter
// Month (formatting)
M: RangeType<1, 12>
Mo: OrdinalMonth
MM: ShortMonth
MMM: ShortNamedMonth
MMMM: LongNamedMonth
MMMMM: InitialMonth
// Month (stand-alone)
L: RangeType<1, 12>
Lo: OrdinalMonth
LL: ShortMonth
LLL: ShortNamedMonth
LLLL: LongNamedMonth
LLLLL: InitialMonth
// Local week of year
w: ShortWeekOfYear
wo: OrdinalWeekOfYear
ww: ShortWeekOfYear
// ISO week of year
I: ShortWeekOfYear
Io: OrdinalWeekOfYear
II: ShortWeekOfYear
// Day of month
d: DayOfMonth
do: OrdinalDayOfMonth
dd: ShortDayOfMonth
// Day of year
D: DayOfYear
Do: OrdinalDayOfYear
DD: ShortDayOfYear
DDD: MediumDayOfYear
DDDD: BiggerDayOfYear
// Day of week (formatting)
E: MediumDayOfWeek
EE: MediumDayOfWeek
EEE: MediumDayOfWeek
EEEE: LongDayOfWeek
EEEEE: InitialDayOfWeek
EEEEEE: ShortDayOfWeek
// ISO day of week (formatting)
i: NumberedDayOfWeek
io: OrdinalDayOfWeek
ii: ShortNumberedDayOfWeek
iii: MediumDayOfWeek
iiii: LongDayOfWeek
iiiii: InitialDayOfWeek
iiiiii: ShortDayOfWeek
// Local day of week (formatting)
e: NumberedDayOfWeek
eo: OrdinalDayOfWeek
ee: ShortNumberedDayOfWeek
eee: MediumDayOfWeek
eeee: LongDayOfWeek
eeeee: InitialDayOfWeek
eeeeee: ShortDayOfWeek
// Local day of week (stand-alone)
c: NumberedDayOfWeek
co: OrdinalDayOfWeek
cc: ShortNumberedDayOfWeek
ccc: MediumDayOfWeek
cccc: LongDayOfWeek
ccccc: InitialDayOfWeek
cccccc: ShortDayOfWeek
// AM, PM
a: AMorPM
aa: AMorPM
aaa: Lowercase<AMorPM>
aaaa: PunctuatedAMorPM
aaaaa: InitialAMorPM
// AM, PM, noon, midnight
b: AMorPM | NoonOrMidnight
bb: AMorPM | NoonOrMidnight
bbb: Lowercase<AMorPM> | NoonOrMidnight
bbbb: PunctuatedAMorPM | NoonOrMidnight
bbbbb: InitialAMorPM | NoonOrMidnight
// Flexible day period
B: FlexibleDayPeriod
BB: FlexibleDayPeriod
BBB: FlexibleDayPeriod
BBBB: FlexibleDayPeriod
BBBBB: FlexibleDayPeriod
// Hour [1-12]
h: Hour1to12
ho: OrdinalHour1to12
hh: ShortHour1to12
// Hour [0-23]
H: Hour0to23
Ho: OrdinalHour0to23
HH: ShortHour0to23
// Hour [0-11]
K: Hour0to11
Ko: OrdinalHour0to11
KK: ShortHour0to11
// Hour [0-24]
k: Hour0to24
ko: OrdinalHour0to24
kk: ShortHour0to24
// Minute
m: MinuteOrSecond
mo: OrdinalMinuteOrSecond
mm: ShortMinuteOrSecond
// Second
s: MinuteOrSecond
so: OrdinalMinuteOrSecond
ss: ShortMinuteOrSecond
// Fraction of second
S: TenthOfSecond
SS: HundredthOfSecond
SSS: ThousandthOfSecond
SSSS: TenThousandthOfSecond
// Timezone (ISO-8601 w/ Z)
X: TimezoneWithoutColon | 'Z'
XX: TimezoneWithoutColon | 'Z'
XXX: TimezoneWithColon | 'Z'
// TODO: figure out what this is:
XXXX: TimezoneWithoutColon | `+${number}` | 'Z'
XXXXX: TimezoneWithColon | `+${number}` | 'Z'
// Timezone (ISO-8601 w/o Z)
x: TimezoneWithoutColon
xx: TimezoneWithoutColon
xxx: TimezoneWithColon
// TODO: figure out what this is:
xxxx: TimezoneWithoutColon | `+${number}`
xxxxx: TimezoneWithColon | `+${number}`
// Timezone (GMT)
O: TimezoneGMT
OO: TimezoneGMT
OOO: TimezoneGMT
OOOO: TimezoneGMT
// Timezone (specific non-locat.)
z: TimezoneGMT
zz: TimezoneGMT
zzz: TimezoneGMT
zzzz: TimezoneGMT
// Seconds timestamp
t: number
tt: number
// Millieconds timestamp
T: number
TT: number
// Long localized date
P: ShortLocalizedDate
PP: MediumLocalizedDate
PPP: OrdinalLocalizedDate
PPPP: BiggerLocalizedDate
// Long localized time
p: ShortLocalizedTime
pp: ShortLocalizedTimeWithMilliseconds
ppp: ShortLocalizedTimeWithMillisecondsAndTimezone
pppp: ShortLocalizedTimeWithMillisecondsAndTimezone
// Combination of date and time
Pp: ShortDateAndTime
PPpp: OrdinalDateAndTimeWithMilliseconds
// TODO: figure out what PPPppp and PPPPpppp are