Results 41 comments of Oisín

Is development of this continuing in another repo, or stalled due to the lengthy review process? It would be a shame for this work not to come to fruition.

Thanks @glaubitz. I joined the chatroom a week or so ago and asked there, but haven't seen any responses since. Glad to hear this effort is still moving though!

That's what I thought. Actually I just noticed that a later code example is almost the same, yet explicitly states that there will be an error and that `foo[obj.toString()]` must...

...or, since TypeScript still emits Javascript even if the typechecker fails, at least add a comment to explain that this will produce an error, but that the resulting JS will...

If we can get `\:` or even `\\:` that would seem pretty decent.

For an app designed to make installation easier, it might benefit to have instructions on how to install it. I was going to do a PR on explaining to...

I see similar behaviour in Firefox on Linux (but not Chromium) with single vertical bars in this formula: ``` $$ A = \frac{1}{2} \left\vert{\sum_{i=1}^n {(x_{i+1}+x_i)(y_{i+1}-y_i)}}\right\vert $$ ``` They do reappear...

Yes that makes sense @ranjitjhala. I was sure I tried that way first, but maybe ran into a different error and then added in the `a@` and `b@` references to...

Thanks for the analysis @ranjitjhala! I'll open an issue and dump most of your comment into it since the case elimination internals are beyond my current comprehension :wink:

Alright, issue added in the main repo. Could you share the exercise answers repo with me BTW @ranjitjhala? I'm running into issues with almost every exercise and don't want to...