Przemek Pawlas
Przemek Pawlas
Some examples: - multiple color flashes - disco lights This kind of effects, applicable to the source, seem to be lacking in what's included. should help. It seems that the installer is shimmed. Perhaps using `Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage` instead of `Install-ChocolateyPackage` is the solution, but I'm not Chocolate expert either.
@imolorhe actually, that's not the problem. Shims aren't documented too well IMO, but here's what happens: - you're downloading installer to `chocolatey\lib\altair-graphql` kind of folder in `chocolateyInstall.ps1` - you're not...
To find duplicates for **all** apps as the request says, which the above solution doesn't cover.
I don't think security is that important if it's something that can be willingl enabled in Lua.
It's not just VSCode. It's any sort of **config** that you edit frequently, but VSCode is the most optimal example as it has a lot of `.json` configs that are...
I'm having issues only with PSN and Ubisoft, but both are regular and require manual patches or fork replacements, so I'm switching to Playnite right now. It also has integrations...
Ok, you apparently also need to add more generic `CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe` to the ignore list. I don't know why both processes are considered the source of sound for Streamlabs Chatbot.
A setting controlling how much of the song needs to play would be nice in general, but the problem is it's not played at all in theory, so the bug...