boot-cljx icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
boot-cljx copied to clipboard

Boot task to compile Cljx


Clojars Project

Cljx is deprecated, please use cljc instead.

Boot task to compile Cljx.

  • Provides the cljx task
  • Reads .cljx files and creates corresponding .clj and .cljs files. Resulting files will be available to others tasks and on classpath.
  • Adds cljx nrepl middleware to repl task default settings
    • Make sure your cljx task is run before repl task


; All files (.clj, .cljx, .cljs) could be on the same directory,
; but I like to have separate directories per filetype.
(set-env! :src-paths #{"src/cljx" "src/clj" "src/cljs"})

; Run cljx before cljs
; $ boot cljx cljs ...
(deftask package
  "Package the app"


Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Juho Teperi

Distributed under the MIT License.