
Results 34 comments of DerWeh

I did not enable global completion but used `register-python-argcomplete`. I now separately tried it with global completion, the result was the same (the line after the shebang is `# PYTHON_ARGCOMPLETE_OK`)....

@evanunderscore Sorry for the unclear formulation, for `./` and `/path/to/` the arguments will be properly completed and not file names. A simply minimum example: ``` $ chmod +x $...

Thanks for the help, I will try it as soon as I can and see if it works. To the readme: > Note that the script name is passed directly...

@evanunderscore I think it is rather clear now. Of course I now already know what it is supposed to mean, so it is rather difficult to judge.

What [jedi-vim]( does: ![]( I would love to see something like that, currently signature help is too often overshadowed by other messages.

This solution seems good enough for me. Is it really supposed to be `+=`? If so then why? In this case it looks indeed like something for the config file...

Sorry, doesn't really fix the problem. Spelling errors still aren't underlined. I will check, I think I might have a version working on another machine.

Yes, disabling it is an alternative, sadly I always forget to add the headers then. Another quick and unsatisfying fix, instead of checking whether the header changed, would be updating...

It seems like `undojoin` might be a reasonable fix. Replace the autocommand with ```vim autocmd BufWritePre * silent! undojoin | :call header#update_header() " Update date when saving buffer ```

You already offer the possibility to ignore everything but comments and I think I have read that you identify comments by the *highlight group*. If that is the case would...