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Implements lit-html via a LitElement class. Made for custom Elements


This project has now changed into MoleculeJS with a lot of additional features.

Greenkeeper badge Implements lit-html via a LitElement class. Made for custom Elements.

Build Status

New in 0.4.0

  • We now allow you to switch out the standard lit-html render and html functions
  • You can now use lit-html-extended via lit-element-extended.js
  • Added notify option for properties, which will fire an event, if the value changes
  • A lot of bug fixes

New in 0.3.0

  • You can now set any property of your element to a promise and LitElement will set the property to the resolved value of the promise. (credit: depeele)
  • Attributes of properties with reflectToAttribute: true are now transformed to kebab-case. (credit: depeele)
  • Codebase moved to TypeScript.


You can get it through npm or yarn

npm install lit-element
yarn add lit-element

Default Usage

// import lit-element
import {LitElement, html} from '../node_modules/lit-element/lit-element.js'

// define Custom Element
class MyElement extends LitElement(HTMLElement) {

    // define properties similiar to Polymer 2/3
    static get properties() {
        return {
            title: String,
            body: {
                type: String,
                value: 'That is a cool LitElement',
                observer: '_bodyChanged',
                reflectToAttribute: true,
                notify: true
    // define your template in render
    render() {
        this.title = 'This is lit';
        return html`
            <h1 id="title">${this.title}</h1>

    // observer callback
    _bodyChanged(newValue) {
        console.log(`Body updated to ${newValue}`);

    // If you want work done after the first render, like accessing elements with ids, do it here
    afterRender(isFirstRender) {
        if(isFirstRender) {
            // access the element with id 'title'
            this.addEventListener('body-changed', e => {
                const body = e.detail;

Declaring properties

Properties of your element are set through a static getter of properties, as seen above.

Properties can be set with the following options:

  • type: The type function of this property. Must be set!
  • reflectToAttribute: Keeps the property in sync with the attribute of the same name, konverted to kebab-case (myProp <-> my-prop)
  • value: The initial value of the property. If it should be an array or an object, set value to a function returning that object, to keep it unique for each instance of the element
  • observer: The name of the method that should be called whenever the property changes.
  • notify: Dispatch an event on property-change. The event name follows the pattern my-prop-changed. The new value is in event.detail.


  • This Element does not use Polymer, just Polymer-like syntax for properties.
  • Currently only type, reflectToAttribute, observer, value and notify are supported for properties.