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Android SDK for DeployGate

DeployGate SDK for Android

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You can integrate DeployGate's realtime remote logging & crash reporting without code modification on your apps in development. Sample Code.

4.3.0 and later require Android Studio whose versions are the latest patch version of 3.3 or above. For the more details, please see


In your build.gradle of app module:

repositories {

dependencies {
    // Use SDK dependency for variants like debug.
    debugImplementation 'com.deploygate:sdk:<latest version>'
    // Use no-op implementation for variants you would like to disable DeployGate SDK.
    // see also "Mock" section below for more details
    releaseImplementation 'com.deploygate:sdk-mock:<latest version>'

Then synchronize, build and upload your app to DeployGate.

Since 4.0.0, you don't need to add DeployGate.install(this) to your Application#onCreate except you have multiple processes. It is automatically called when your application process starts through the ContentProvider initialization.

For Jetpack App Startup users or those who would like to initialize SDK manually

DeployGate SDK uses ContentProvider to initialize itself so you need to remove the provider from your manifest file.


And also, you need to call DeployGate#install in your Application class, ContentProvider or AndroidX Startup Initializer. For example, add to your custom application class, content provider, or else.

import com.deploygate.sdk.DeployGate;
import com.deploygate.sdk.DeployGateSdkConfiguration;

DeployGateSdkConfiguration config =
    new DeployGateSdkConfiguration.Builder().
        setEnabledOnNonDebuggableBuild(true). // Make sure you set true here.
DeployGate.install(context, config);


You can retrieve detailed information on current running build and status change events through functions and callback listeners.

For example, you can prevent your application running on unauthorized devices by putting the following code in your main Activity's Activity#onCreate.

DeployGate.registerCallback(new DeployGateCallback() {
    public void onInitialized(boolean isServiceAvailable) {
        if (!isServiceAvailable) {
            Toast.makeText(this, "DeployGate is not available", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    public void onStatusChanged(boolean isManaged, boolean isAuthorized, String loginUsername, boolean isStopped) {
        if (!isAuthorized) {
            Toast.makeText(this, "This device is not authorized to use this app", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    public void onUpdateAvailable(int revision, String versionName, int versionCode) {}
}, true);

For the more details, pelase refer to DeployGate Docs - Android SDK

Capture feature

Workspaces, which have activated the Capture feature, can storee screenshots, device states and Logcat at DeployGate. The Capture feature is enabled by default.

import com.deploygate.sdk.DeployGate;
import com.deploygate.sdk.DeployGateSdkConfiguration;

DeployGateSdkConfiguration config = 
    new DeployGateSdkConfiguration.Builder()
        .setCaptureEnabled(true) // Defaults to true
DeployGate.install(context, config);

Please refer to for the details.

Custom Attributes

You can add attributes to Captures.

import com.deploygate.sdk.DeployGate;

CustomAttributes buildEnvironment = DeployGate.getBuildEnvironment();
buildEnvironment.putString("git_ref", BuildConfig.BUILD_GIT_REF);

CustomAttributes runtimeExtra = DeployGate.getRuntimeExtra();
runtimeExtra.putString("is_authorized", authorizationRepository.isAuthorized());


  • buildEnvironment and runtimeExtra allow only at most 8 attributes.
  • Attribute keys must consist of _a-z0-9 and must start with a-z.
  • Every value must be equal or shorter than 64 length.


Do you want to disable DeployGate SDK on production builds? If so, please use sdk-mock dependency for production builds instead of sdk. sdk-mock dependency has public interfaces that are same as of sdk but their implementations are empty, so you don't have to modify your app code for specific build variants.

To use it, simply replace the dependency from sdk to sdk-mock. You can use it with a conjunction of productFlavors and buildConfig of Gradle like the following example:

dependencies {
    // use full implementation for debug builds
    debugImplementation 'com.deploygate:sdk:<latest version>'

    // use mocked implementation for release builds
    releaseImplementation 'com.deploygate:sdk-mock:<latest version>'

Proper variants depends on your use-case. If you are using R8-applied applications during the QA process, you may need to use non-mock SDK even in release build type.

Upload your app to DeployGate

Gradle DeployGate Plugin will be your help. Please note that the SDK works without the Gradle plugin and vice versa.



Copyright © 2017- DeployGate

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


  • Clone this repo and open by Android Studio.
    • See the /build.gradle for the version of AGP.
  • Import /CodeStyle.xml
  • Modify java or required files
  • Add new tests for your changes
  • Make sure all tests are passed
# help: build and install artifacts into your local maven repo
./gradlew clean \
    sdk:verifyBytecodeVersionRelease sdkMock:verifyBytecodeVersionRelease \
    sdk:publishReleasePublicationToMavenLocal sdkMock:publishReleasePublicationToMavenLocal \


  • Consider if we should use external libraries carefully
  • Allow users to opt out non-required features
  • Minimize the impact of proguard rules


sdkMock must be No-Op implementation.

  • Do not have any permission
  • In the same version, the public API of sdkMock and sdk must have no difference


Use GitHub Actions.

  • release a new version
  • distribute a new sample with the latest version
  • deploy the Javadocs