Dennis Heimbigner
Dennis Heimbigner
Is there a contact in the R community with whom I can discuss the use of compressors in NCZarr in the context of R?
We seem to be talking at cross purposes. I can read that file perfectly well with ncdump and with the C-language plugins properly installed. I must remind [JamiePringle]( that the...
I just sent a message to the maintainer of ncdf4 to see if he can provide insight into how ncdf4 handles plugins. I will pass along any useful response.
````Also, if you look above, I link to the c-library that numcodecs uses to do the blosc compression.```` The key thing to understand is that NCZarr uses the existing HDF5...
Thanks. If you can figure out to whom I should talk, please tell me. [Ward would it be possible to tar up a Mac copy of the plugins and send...
This should have been fixed with PR which apparently has been merged to master. Are you in a position to verify the fix?
As I recall, I installed c-blosc on Ubuntu 21 using apt to get package libblosc-dev
In theory cp_win32.c includes config.h, which should include ncconfigure.h. Wonder why this is not working?
I looked at that stack overflow url. The claim is that all conversions of Nan (and Inf) to integer are undefined. I do not think that netcdf-c does anything so...
Fixing this in the netcdf-c library may be costly. In effect, we have to examine each value during conversion from float/double to int to see if it is a NaN...