Dennis Clark
Dennis Clark
per @mjherzog "I suspect the best we can do in the short term is to normalize the available security scores by source - in the example above there are 3...
alternate approach would be to compute a Range rather than an average.
please keep the fractions and display them in the severity range
See issue #1187 . closing this one.
See this page for additional info:
Regarding a spec license, I think that the Community-Spec-1.0 license would be quite suitable. See
Think about both the height and width available on the screen, and consider pagination as well.
this becomes more important when we have more data to display in the UI.
A question came up about the meaning or significance of the "dueDate" field in the schema at which states that it is a required field, but the only description...
The TLA `KEV` is used on the CISA website to refer to `Known Exploited Vulnerabilities`