Well, apparently that is not a "foolproof" technique (as the issues with the GeneProtein Mapping files have shown). We know which databases we want to have represented in the mapping...
@hunterhacker thank you for getting back to me so quickly! I know the feeling of long to-do lists. If I have time I will give it a PR a try...
@tabbassidaloii : could you maybe run the script for Hs 107 again, and make sure all the java libraries are version 3.0.13 (check in pom.xml?). I could create a local...
> @DeniseSl22, I tried to reproduce v104 file again (as it was correct), but the new derby file has the same issue (cannot be searched with gene symbols in PV...
@TallTed , could you please inform us in which version of the Open Source Edition of Virtuoso this is fixed? We're having the same issue, and would find out how...