Voice-Conversion icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Voice-Conversion copied to clipboard

Open Source Octave toolbox for conversion of voices


To convert a voice the following steps are neccessary:

If you want to use Praat as pitch tracker:

  • Praat PraatToPitchMarks.praat Source.wav PitchMarksPraat.PointProcess
  • perl convertPraatToMatlab.pl PitchMarksPraat.PointProcess PitchMarksMat.txt
  • in octave: vc('Source.wav', alpha, fRatio, 'Output.wav', 'PitchMarksMat.txt') (alpha is the warping factor, fRatio is the ratio of the fundamental frequency for psola)

If you want to use the integrated pitch tracker:

  • in octave: vc('Source.wav', alpha, fRatio, 'Output.wav') (alpha is the warping factor, fRatio is the ratio of the fundamental frequency for psola)

The test file ("sample.wav which is originally called ""NATOPhoneticAlphabet.wav") is from: "Michael R. Irwin at en.wikiversity" (Creative Commons)