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Language based on browser settings.

Open santisiri opened this issue 6 years ago • 7 comments

Take cue from browser settings to pick default language of the app.

santisiri avatar May 09 '18 15:05 santisiri

I'm about to start making two video tutorials for vnzla and mexico. If theres any chance this can be prioritized so I can used the spanish versions as a base for the tutorials ping me.

paula-berman avatar May 14 '18 23:05 paula-berman

@paulamlb if you can find someone that can help us finishing the translation that would be great.


santisiri avatar May 15 '18 14:05 santisiri

@santisiri that list looks complete. is there another link?

paula-berman avatar May 15 '18 15:05 paula-berman

yes, here's the complete version: https://github.com/DemocracyEarth/sovereign/blob/master/i18n/en.i18n.json

the idea is to precisely complete the one in spanish.

santisiri avatar May 15 '18 17:05 santisiri

Hey guys, We can use this service that Vicente setted up for us so that people can easily contribute to translations in their languages. https://translate.comunes.org/projects/democracy-earth/sovereign/

virgile-dev avatar May 30 '18 14:05 virgile-dev

I've had these translations ready in excel format for the past two weeks but cant get them in json. Asked two coders already that could not figure out properly and I couldn't figure out atom editor on my own to do it. If someone wants to do it, here it is.

paula-berman avatar May 30 '18 18:05 paula-berman

@paulamlb let's figure out how to use translate.comunes.org it's user interface for technical translations. Here is the link for spanish : https://translate.comunes.org/projects/democracy-earth/sovereign/es/

Happy to give you a hand, here is some docs on how to use it : https://docs.weblate.org/en/weblate-2.9/index.html

virgile-dev avatar May 31 '18 13:05 virgile-dev