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Improve UX for onboarding

Open virgile-dev opened this issue 7 years ago • 31 comments

This is a Feature Proposal)

:tophat: Description

The onboarding experience for Sovereign was lacking a proper landing page to give some context to the user registration.

Here is what we are proposing after the first iteration : The 3 first screens act as a slider that explain the 3 main actions people can take on soverign. The last one is a info modal that is displayed when people click on i at the top right corner.


Special thanks to Piotr, Alex, Vicente and all the contributors that took part in the design workshops. If you want to take part in the design works of democracy earth join our slack and join the #design channel

Here is what we have now : actual

Vote on the design proposal : https://vote.democracy.earth/#feedItem-kTXJHZBYYFskj72kK

virgile-dev avatar Feb 13 '18 14:02 virgile-dev

They look really nice!, maybe you can explain what are the 4 new screens? Specifically the 4th one and how to reach there. There is a small typo in "D. Be Informed" btw, word "tranparent"

aecc avatar Feb 13 '18 14:02 aecc

@aecc just did ! Thanks for the typo detection.

virgile-dev avatar Feb 13 '18 14:02 virgile-dev

Aesthetically very pleasing, a clean and warm design. As a user I wonder which screen enables me to see votes I've cast in different elections I've participated in...related to @aecc 's point, above.

SFSandra avatar Feb 13 '18 15:02 SFSandra

@SFSandra I totally agree that a way to enable someone to see the votes they've cast in different elections would be useful. What we're proposing above though is before someone has even signed up.

After this, I'd love to move onto redesigning other key parts of the product like what you propose :).

AlexJupiter avatar Feb 13 '18 16:02 AlexJupiter

Hi everyone !

It seems that people are quite happy with what is being proposed :) capture d ecran 2018-02-15 a 10 46 45

Let's start coding. How you guys want to proceed ? Should Piotr code the whole thing at once or should we break it into little pieces ?

@AlexJupiter what should be the next design iteration ? Personally, For a while I've been frustrated with this https://github.com/DemocracyEarth/sovereign/issues/205

virgile-dev avatar Feb 15 '18 09:02 virgile-dev

@virgile-dev what's the recommended way of getting the Mobile UI to always load? I'd like to test it on our project https://github.com/thearkadia/The_Ark

thearkadia avatar Feb 26 '18 22:02 thearkadia

@thearkadia maybe @santisiri can answer this.

virgile-dev avatar Mar 06 '18 07:03 virgile-dev

Getting back to this starting next week. Can anyone confirm that there has been no change of spec and we’re still building the thing as per screenshots above? cc: @virgile-dev, @AlexJupiter?

piotrfonte avatar Apr 09 '18 22:04 piotrfonte

@piotrf exciting! :). Yep I believe there is no change of spec and the designs above are your latest ones.

AlexJupiter avatar Apr 10 '18 05:04 AlexJupiter

Hey @piotrf @AlexJupiter , Did you guys think of how these designs will coexist with the user modals for account editing, forgot password etc... ? user-modals These are triggered by these : dashed-eye, user-avatar nav

virgile-dev avatar Apr 10 '18 08:04 virgile-dev

@virgile-dev for the first stage we could just implement the on boarding as initially proposed, and then come back to the account editing later? What do you think @piotrf? I guess I'm keen to get this implemented, I think it will really help to explain to users what Sovereign is all about the first time they hear about it.

Also, just to confirm, we are cutting the ability to sign up anonymously for now yes?

AlexJupiter avatar Apr 15 '18 13:04 AlexJupiter

We might implement anonymous login this week end with Metamask #279

virgile-dev avatar Apr 17 '18 15:04 virgile-dev

Exciting to be working with @LucasIsasmendi to be implementing this. Here are the links to the Figma file: https://www.figma.com/file/bmy63a4jEcPfzFPmGn5vTzLN/Onboarding-v1

AlexJupiter avatar Apr 20 '18 14:04 AlexJupiter

Who’s best to walk me through the front-end a little bit? I need to know where I can change what not to break things.

In any case, I’d probably like to keep all the current components the way they are so to have them available when logged in (to answer your question @virgile-dev) but I’d like to set up an entirely new React auth component with its new children to display when logged out (is this even reasonable?). So:

  1. I’d create auth.jsx with signup.jsx, signin.jsx, recovery.jsx, ecc. as children
  2. I’d load the new auth if signed out (where and how should that if statement look like, anyone?)
  3. I’d then try to hook up the new auth to the auth functions we already have

It would be helpful if, whoever has the know-how, would tell me how to set up a clean slate React component that displays Hello world when logged out, and I can then take it from there.

piotrfonte avatar May 07 '18 19:05 piotrfonte

Btw, created this branch to work on: https://github.com/DemocracyEarth/sovereign/tree/feature/238-onboarding

piotrfonte avatar May 07 '18 19:05 piotrfonte

Nvm, I think I figured it out. I now have the app display contents of a newly created Onboarding.jsx when logged out. Can carry on.

piotrfonte avatar May 07 '18 21:05 piotrfonte

@lucasIsasmendi might be able to help you out if any further blockers arise. At least we spent some time on this together trying to make some progress.

AlexJupiter avatar May 07 '18 22:05 AlexJupiter

@piotrf how are you progressing with this?

AlexJupiter avatar May 14 '18 10:05 AlexJupiter

Assembling the views that look like we want them to look but do nothing. I’ll ping you once I have them, then I may need somebody to help me plug in auth calls, fix validation, ecc. But I’ll know better later.

piotrfonte avatar May 14 '18 18:05 piotrfonte

I wonder what browsers should I test this stuff on?

Btw, here’s a sneak peek: kapture 2018-05-15 at 12 12 22

piotrfonte avatar May 15 '18 10:05 piotrfonte

To do next:

  • [ ] dotted navigation / indicators for the slideshow
  • [ ] replicate all forms — I suspect this to be time consuming, and a pain but we’ll see
  • [ ] integrate details modal
  • [ ] navigation between signup/login/recovery flows


kapture 2018-05-15 at 15 43 32

piotrfonte avatar May 15 '18 13:05 piotrfonte

@piotrf looking fantastic!!

In terms of browsers, I would suggest:

  • Latest desktop: Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Edge.
  • Latest mobile: Chrome, Samsung, Stock Android, Safari

Ping me in Slack if you want to use my Browserstack account.

AlexJupiter avatar May 15 '18 16:05 AlexJupiter

I wonder who’s best to ask for help with routing between pages. I want both Log In and Sign up from the above GIF to redirect to their respective urls. In react-router it would be as simple as <Link to={'/login'}>Login</Link>. What’s the current way of doing this in Sovereign?

piotrfonte avatar May 16 '18 09:05 piotrfonte

Hey @piotrf nice to see you back here 👋 I'm thinking we should extend the images to the bottom of the screen. This is a great start though. @santisiri can help out with routing I think.

virgile-dev avatar May 16 '18 10:05 virgile-dev

WIP some more, I’m importing already existing auth forms, and showing them with state change. This means that, for the time being, you won’t be able to link directly to say… login form, users will always need to go through the carousel screen first.

kapture 2018-05-16 at 18 44 51

piotrfonte avatar May 16 '18 21:05 piotrfonte

I think I’m done here. I’d appreciate if y’all could now test it thoroughly on a variety of browsers and devices, especially the login/signup/recovery flows. It’s all on origin/feature/238-onboarding branch. Make sure to do npm install first as I added a few dependencies there, mainly:

  • https://github.com/akiran/react-slick for the slideshow bits
  • https://github.com/reactjs/react-modal for the modal bits
  • https://github.com/styled-components/styled-components for the styles

Here’s how I see it:

kapture 2018-05-18 at 14 34 57

piotrfonte avatar May 18 '18 12:05 piotrfonte

@piotrf I just tested on Chrome and it works great!! Awesome, awesome stuff.

I realise that we designed this with only mobile in mind, do you think we need an improved desktop experience here?

@santisiri @virgile-dev what do you two think of this?

AlexJupiter avatar May 21 '18 17:05 AlexJupiter

This looks really great @piotrf congrats that's an awesome first contribution. I'm not able to test it locally somehow, would love to check how it renders in desktop. I'm checking with @santisiri how this can be merged.

virgile-dev avatar May 24 '18 16:05 virgile-dev

Hey @piotrf ! Finally got your branch running locally, it's looking good. Thanks a lot for your contribution. I tested it on a mac with the Firefox browser v.60.0.1

Here are is my feeback ordered in priorities.

Blocking On desktop, just after login in the left sidebar doesn't show up. capture d ecran 2018-05-30 a 16 24 17


  • I think the design works on desktop but could use a few improvements:
  • It's not very intuitive to have to click and slide to see the different elements of the slider, it would be nice to be able to click on the dots to navigate it
  • For the about pop over we could make a better use of the space on the screen on desktop capture d ecran 2018-05-30 a 16 43 31
  • The filter applied on the images in the background have look a bit weird like capture d ecran 2018-05-30 a 16 39 01
  • Circle icons, the icon is not centered in the middle capture d ecran 2018-05-30 a 16 41 55 capture d ecran 2018-05-30 a 16 45 58

virgile-dev avatar May 30 '18 14:05 virgile-dev

hi @piotrf let me know when you can do a PR for this.

santisiri avatar Jul 19 '18 22:07 santisiri