loguru copied to clipboard
pytest logger stdout sink
Hey, what's up!
How did you manage to conduct sink=sys.stdout test like in your tests/test_add_sinks.py:
def test_stderr_sink(rep, capsys):
log(sys.stderr, rep)
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert out == ""
assert err == expected * rep
Because when I create my own test function:
from loguru import logger
def test_stdout_sink(capsys) -> None:
# By default logger already writes to stdout
# So Im not setting anything here.
message = f"Hello"
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert message in out
I got accert error:
accert "Hello" == ""
For some reason I cant catch logger stdout with capsys. "out" is just empty string.
What should I set to make it work?
Also there is pytest-loguru project, and what he does is add caplog.handler like so:
magic_handler_id = \
logger.add(sink=caplog.handler, level=0)
message = f"Test info message"
assert message in caplog.text
And it passes :) . The fun is that he don't test sys.stdout with this approach.