Emil O. W. Kirkegaard

Results 41 issues of Emil O. W. Kirkegaard

Add argument to supply a correlation matrix (or equivalent). This prevents time-consuming recalculation. Recalculation can also cause problems when there are odd patterns in missing data and depending on whether...


Note that this is incompatible with weights when one uses _hetcor_. But one could swap to the **psych** equivalents instead. https://www.personality-project.org/r/html/tetrachor.html Also add support for CIs and p values.


Otherwise, a number can may any other number in a few steps making a lot of false matches.


System info: Mint 17.1 Cinnamon 64-bit Python 2.7.10. Fresh install of scrapy following instructions. ``` Traceback: wooga@wooga ~/OKCubot/okcubot $ scrapy crawl okcubot -auser=**REDACTED** -apass=**REDACTED** /home/wooga/OKCubot/okcubot/okcubot/spiders/okcubot_spider.py:2: ScrapyDeprecationWarning: Module `scrapy.spider` is deprecated,...


Could @onbjerg add a hotfix that restores functionality for the 1.x version? I bought A-list for scraping but it is currently unusable because of the changed syntax. Bounty 100 DKK.

The profile pictures could be used for many kinds of analysis, both automated (automatic image processing) and experimental (ask participants to rate profiles or pictures etc.). There can be multiple...


``` > pryr::partial(mean, na.rm=T)(c(1, NA)) [1] 1 > purrr::partial(mean, na.rm=T)(c(1, NA)) [1] 1 > curry::partial(mean, na.rm=T)(c(1, NA)) Error in curry::partial(mean, na.rm = T) : unused argument (na.rm = T) >...

According to the manual, one can use the histogram geom when using `layout_circle`. However, if one actually tries to do this, one gets an error about it not being implemented...

Often we want to match the sizes of different geoms, so that they lie perfectly on top of each other. However, this can be difficult. Not sure if this is...