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Built-in GUI Roster Modification?
I was wondering if it would be possible to implement some sort of graphical roster mod, the file being modded is ui_character_f.bin in the data(xx_xx)/param/ui/ directory. My idea of it would be that it would look just like the CSS in-game, and you can drag and drop the CSS portraits to where you want them to appear, and it would appear in-program just as it would in-game after you build and apply the mod. to the side or wherever could be a drop down that could add up to 8 slots representing the 7 DLC slots and the Mii slot
I know programming graphical things like that in general are probably total nightmares, but it would possibly be an appreciated feature, since it would let people easily order the CSS however they wanted to (it's sooo much work to do manually omg ;-; ). I think it would also discourage people from going into the file themselves with PARAM.exe and changing values, which can lead to them to unlocking DLC characters without buying them.
some additional, cool, but unrelated features could be setting custom CSS portraits, changing CSS names, changing the announcer's voice clips per character, and maybe even changing default smash settings (Stock or Timed, team attack, etc.) but these things aren't what I'm requesting, nor do I think these would be very interesting outside of the "oh that's neat" factor (then again, I feel like that's pretty much what this entire feature request is lmao)
A limitation that I've run into modding the CSS is being unable to put DLC characters in with the vanilla roster without unlocking them in the bin file, so maybe they could be locked in place or something until someone figures something out. If you're interested in doing something like this, then here's a forum post that has info on the character IDs and some value definitions found in the character bin file I could also get (what are virtually) screenshots of the CSS with 1-8 more slots (the slots being the 7 DLC and Mii slots). outside of that, I couldn't do much else besides figuring out what some values in the file mean/do and testing :c
This isn't really like a big issue or anything, but I hope you consider it! I really appreciate this tool as it's allowed me (and many others) to easily bring more fun and new life to a well beloved game, so many thanks, yo! :^)
While it's definitely something that needs to happen in the near future, I currently don't have time for it. I want to make the process of modding easier, and give 3DS support, before considering other plugins. However, if you (or someone else) want to get started with this plugin, I'm more than willing to help getting started on my side, or add new hooks to the core sm4shexplorer if needed :)