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Code for "Multi-Domain Neural Machine Translation with Word-Level Domain Context Discrimination"(EMNLP2019)

Multi-Domain Neural Machine Translation with Word-Level Domain Context Discrimination

This codebase contains all scripts except training corpus to reproduce our results in the paper.


The following packages are needed:

  • Python >= 2.7
  • numpy
  • Theano >= 0.7 (and its dependencies).


First, preprocess your training corpus. Use BPE(byte-piar-encoding) to segment text into subword units. Please follow https://github.com/rsennrich/subword-nmt for further details.

To obtain vocabulary for training, run:

python scripts/buildvocab.py --corpus /path/ch.train --output /path/to/ch.voc3.pkl \
--limit 32000 --groundhog
python scripts/buildvocab.py --corpus /path/en.train --output /path/to/en.voc3.pkl \
--limit 32000 --groundhog

Similarly, vocabularies for English-French translation can be obtained in the same way.

And also, it's required to initialize the pretrained parameters in the proposed model of this work.


For Chinese-English experiment, do the following:

python -u rnnsearch.py train \
--corpus /path/ch.train \
/path/en.train \
/path/tag.train \
/path/ch.test \
/path/en.test \
/path/tag.test \
--dnum 4 \
--dvocab Laws News Spoken Thesis \
--vocab /path/ch.voc3.pkl /path/en.voc3.pkl \
--lambda 0.1 \
--ext-val-script scripts/validate-zhen.sh \
--model zhen \
--embdim 500 500 \
--hidden 1000 1000 1000 1000 300\
--maxhid 500 \
--deephid 500 \
--maxpart 2 \
--alpha 5e-4 \
--norm 1.0 \
--batch 80 \
--maxepoch 5 \
--seed 1235 \
--freq 500 \
--vfreq 1500 \
--sfreq 500 \
--sort 32 \
--validation /path/ch.dev \
--references /path/en.dev \
--optimizer adam \
--shuffle 1 \
--keep-prob 0.9 \
--limit 60 60 60 \
--delay-val 1 \
> log.chen 2>&1 &

The training procedure continues about 1.5 days On a single Nvidia Titan x GPU.


The evaluation metric we use is case-sensitive BLEU on tokenized reference. Translate the test set and restore text to the original segmentation:

python rnnsearch.py translate --model ende.best.pkl < /path/to/BPE/newstest2015.en \
| scripts/restore_bpe.sh > newstest2015.de.trans

And evaluation proceeds by running:

perl scripts/multi-bleu.perl /path/to/newstest2015.tc.de < newstest2015.de.trans