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Code for “Graph based Neural Sentence Ordering” (IJCAI2019)
Graph based Neural Sentence Ordering
The following packages are needed:
- Python == 3.6
- Pytorch >= 1.0
- torchtext == 0.3
- Stanford POS tagger or Dependency Parser
- Glove (100 dim)
Dataset Format
*.lower: each line is a document: sentence_0
*.eg: entity1:i-r means entity1 is in the sentence_i and its role is r.
Other datasets are easy to access and process. We also recommand a high-quality dataset for sentence ordering, ROC story.
Use a dependency parser to get POS and syntax
Select the word as entity if the POS is noun
Find the nsubj and dobj to get the roles ( or just use a POS tagger and ignore the roles if you think the dependency parser is time-consuming)
Training and Evaluation
bash run.sh