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A repository to publish your single page portfolios.
A repository to publish your single page portfolios.
Made with the intention of guiding beginner contributors towards open source, this respository is going to be maintained by: Ishita Gupta, Sneha Agarwal and Aastha Chauhan.
How to Contribute?
We appreciate all kinds of contributions from anyone, be it finding an issue or writing a blog.
Please check the contributing guide to become a contributor.
Steps to Contribute
These are the steps to follow:
First of all, fork this repository. If you want to work on your local system then you may clone the forked repo, but contribution can be done without cloning 😉.
Go to "Your Portfolio" folder and add your image in the Image folder with your GitHub Username. For example, if your username is coder-gits, then rename your image as coder-gits.png
In the "Your Portfolio" folder, create a file named YourGitHubUserName.html and copy and paste the contents of this file into it.
Now, look out for the comments in the file and make appropriate changes according to you.
Commit the changes and open a new pull request. Make sure to add Issue number #7 in the Description of the Pull Request you are making.
Woah, its all done! HAppy Contributing.
See your Portfolios
You can see your portfolios without even deploying your webpage through this link:
- Copy the URL of your portfolio HTML file from Github.
- Add "htmlpreview.github.io/?" in the prefix of the URL. Example: https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/DecodersCommunity/portfolio-builder/blob/main/Template/index.html
Reporting Bugs and Issues
If you have found a bug and you're confident it's a new bug and have confirmed that someone else is facing the same issue, go ahead and create a new GitHub issue. Be sure to include as much information as possible so we can reproduce the bug.
For more information on licensing, please refer to License
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