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Detects human contamination in bam files
Program to estimate human contamination in Illumina WGS files
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The test runs on a 10 MB region test using a subsampled (~6x coverage) HG002 BAM file and compares output to expected results. You can also find genome-wide tests in the test/ directory.
DESCRIPTION Determines evidence for DNA contamination in a bam file in a diploid individual (human) using evidence of three haplotypes between sets read-pair adjacent SNPs using a set of SNPs that have been shown to give reliable genotypes on a population scale and a VCF file
BAMFILE - The (sorted) bam file being consider, along with bai
RELIABLE_SNP_FILE - List of chromosome and position with positions ordered (Provided file high_quality_markers_deCODE_2015.txt), only biallelic SNPs are used.
VCF_FILE - A file containing genotype calls
-h, --help
Display the help message.
-q, --qual INT
Minimum bp quality Default: 30.
-pl, --phred INT
Minimum phred likelihood Default: 40.
-c, --cigarlen INT
Max cigar len Default: 1.
-w, --window INT
Read pair window Default: 1000.
-mq, --mapq INT
Min mapping quality Default: 30.
-np, --npairs INT
Min number of SNP pairs Default: 10000.
-e, --error DOUBLE
Max double error pair fraction Default: 0.002.
-fa, --fa FA
Fasta file Default: genome.fa.
-v, --verbose
-p, --pairs
Output SNP pairs
-i, --indels
Use indels
DETAILS read_haps takes as input a bam file, a set of reliable markers and a VCF file. It starts by finding all heterozygous reliable markers in the VCF file. Only biallelic markers are considered and marker is assumed to have alleles 0 and 1. Two heterozygous markers can have phase 00-11 (parity) or 01-10 (non-parity), i.e. for parity phasing the individual has two haplotypes one with allele 0 on both markers and the other with allele 1 on both markers. Observing both parity and non-parity suggests the presence of three haplotypes between the two markers, but can also be explained by genotyping error and sequencing error. To limit genotyping error the marker set is limited to markers that have been extensively verified to not have genotyping errors at deCODE genetics and markers that the genotyping software has made high confidence calls. To limit sequencing errors only reads with high mapQ and bases with high bp quality. Three haplotypes should generally not be observed for a sample from a single diploid individual (human), but may occur in regions of structural variation. Three haplotypes will be commonly observed in a sample that contains the mixture of the DNA of two individuals. Pairs of heterozygous markers overlapped by two read pairs in parity and two reads pairs in non-parity are considered evidence for three haplotypes at the marker pair. Samples with multiple such pairs are considered contaminated.
Example output
905879 955 18 1.98702e-05 0.000490452 0.00196273 PASS -
SNP_PAIRS - Number of marker pairs that are connnected by at least one haplotype
ERROR_PAIRS - Number of markers pairs where there is evidence of both parity and non-parity haplotypes
DOUBLE_ERROR_PAIR_COUNT - Number of marker pairs where there are two read pairs evidencing both parity and non-parity
DOUBLE_ERROR_FRACTION - Fraction of marker pairs with two read pairs evidencing parity and non-parity
REL_ERROR_FRACTION - Average fraction of reads from the smaller group (parity, non-parity)
NONSENSE_FRACTION - Fraction of read pairs reporting neither of the two alleles at the markers considered.
REASON - "-" for PASS, FAIL can be READ_PAIR_COUNT, which will occur if a low coverage sample is used or CONTAMINATION
to further investigate the contamination the -pu option can be used, reporting the location of all read pairs showing evidence of three haplotypes.