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A generalized state channel implementation for 1 on 1 communication



A generalized state channel implementation for 1 on 1 communication and state resolvement.

This is a state channel implementation focused primarily on games but can be used for any direct state resolving between 2 participants.

The framework is generalized and extendable allowing users to integrate it with their own systems, both the smart contracts and a frontend library to interface with them is provided.

Build procedure

Code consists of 2 main parts the solidity code located in /solidity folder and the library code located in /library.

To run the smart contract, navigate to /solidity and run truffle develop (you'll need the latest version of truffle installed)

In the truffle develop console run migrate --reset to compile and deploy the contracts to local testnet. To deploy on the kovan testnet run migrate --network kovan --reset

In order to run tests first run yarn install or npm install and then test in truffle develop console.

To run the frontend library code, navigate to /library folde and run the following:

  • yarn install or npm install
  • yarn dev or npm run dev


  • StakeManager (holds your stake and creates a channel for 2 users)
  • ResolverInterface (an interface for resolver contracts to handle state disputes)
  • CfResolverRegistry (counter factual registry and creation of resolver contracts)
  • TicTacToeResolver (an example of a resolver that handles the state of a tic tac toe game)
  • ECTools (utility contract for signature verification)


We wrote article about this, if you want to read more, go to: Introducing Etherships – Using state channels to scale Ethereum games