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Decawave UWB Applications

Build Status


This distribution contains the example applications for the DW1000 UWB transceiver.

Getting hardware

  • DWM1001 from https://www.decawave.com/products/dwm1001-module
  • lps2mini from https://lohmega.com

Getting started

The remainder of this README.md shows how to bring up the elementary twr_node/twr_tag examples.

  1. Download and install Apache Newt.

You will need to download the Apache Newt tool, as documented in the Getting Started Guide.

Prerequisites: You should follow the generic tutorials at http://mynewt.apache.org/latest/tutorials/tutorials.html, particularly the basic Blinky example that will guide you through the basic setup.

  1. Download the UWB apps repository.
    git clone [email protected]:Decawave/uwb-apps.git
    cd uwb-apps
  1. Running the newt upgrade command downloads the apache-mynewt-core, decawave-uwb-core, decawave-uwb-dwXXXX driver(s) repo, and mynewt-timescale-lib packages, these are dependent repos of the decawave-uwb-apps project and are automatically checked-out by the newt tools.
$ newt upgrade
# Depending on what version of the newt tool you use you
# may have to manually remove git-but artifacts and then rerun
# upgrade. I.e. only if you see an error like:
# "Error: Error updating "mcuboot"..." do:
rm repos/mcuboot/ext/mbedtls/include/mbedtls/ -rf
newt upgrade

To see if you have access to other driver repos, run the setup.sh script under repos/decawave-uwb-core like so:

# Rerun newt install
newt install

Apply any patches to apache-mynewt-core:

cd repos/apache-mynewt-core/
git apply ../decawave-uwb-core/patches/apache-mynewt-core/mynewt_1_7_0_*
cd -
  1. To erase the default flash image that shipped with the DWM1001.
$ JLinkExe -device nRF52 -speed 4000 -if SWD

or if you have nrfjprog (Nordic Cmd Tools) installed:

    $ nrfjprog -f NRF52 -e
  1. Build the new bootloader applicaiton for the DWM1001 target.

(executed from the mynewt-dw1000-app directory).

newt target create dwm1001_boot
newt target set dwm1001_boot app=@mcuboot/boot/mynewt
newt target set dwm1001_boot bsp=@decawave-uwb-core/hw/bsp/dwm1001
newt target set dwm1001_boot build_profile=optimized
newt build dwm1001_boot
newt load dwm1001_boot

  1. On the first DWM1001-DEV board build the Two-Way-Ranging (twr_tag_tdma) application for the DWM1001 module. The run command compiles the project and loads the image on the target platform.

(executed from the decawave-uwb-apps directory).

newt target create twr_tag_tdma
newt target set twr_tag_tdma app=apps/twr_tag_tdma
newt target set twr_tag_tdma bsp=@decawave-uwb-core/hw/bsp/dwm1001
newt target set twr_tag_tdma build_profile=debug
newt run twr_tag_tdma 0

  1. On a second DWM1001-DEV board build the node side of the Two-Way-Ranging (twr_node_tdma) application as follows.

(executed from the decawave-uwb-apps directory).

newt target create twr_node_tdma
newt target set twr_node_tdma app=apps/twr_node_tdma
newt target set twr_node_tdma bsp=@decawave-uwb-core/hw/bsp/dwm1001
newt target set twr_node_tdma build_profile=debug
newt target amend twr_node_tdma syscfg=LOG_LEVEL=1:UWBCFG_DEF_ROLE='"0x1"'
newt run twr_node_tdma 0

  1. Both examples are configured to use the Segger RTT console interface. This is covered within the mynewt tutorials/Tooling/SeggerRTT (http://mynewt.apache.org/latest/tutorials/tooling/segger_rtt.html). To launch the console simply telnet localhost 19021. Note at time of writing the newt tools does not support multiple connect dwm1001-dev devices. So it is recomended that you connect twr_tag_tdma and twr_node_tdma examples to different computers or at least the twr_tag_tdma to an external battery. If all goes well you should see the twr_node_tdma example stream range information on the console.

(executed from the decawave-uwb-apps directory).

nc localhost 19021