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fix : thread block on some unix system when creating demo project
Type of modification
- [ ] Breaking change
- [ ] New Feature
- [x] Bug Fix
- [ ] Chore (refactor, documentation, tests... all the changes with no impact on ARA functionalities.)
Technical description
The use of SecureRandom.getInstanceStrong() has been replace by new Random(). SecureRandom.getInstanceStrong() can lead to blocked Thread, new Random() doesn't have this problem and is sufficient for generating demo data.
PR CheckList
Please make sure your PullRequest respect all those items :
- [x] Your PR's title has the prefix :
- [ ] You have asked a review from one of the ARA maintainer in your PR.
- [ ] If your PR is related to an issue, add the issue's number in it.
- [ ] All the code you added is documented.
- [ ] All the code you added is tested and the tests are in success.
- [ ] You already signed the Contributor License Agreement and give us the document
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