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feat: update data model
Type of modification
- [x] Breaking change
- [ ] New Feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
- [ ] Chore (refactor, documentation, tests... all the changes with no impact on ARA functionalities.)
Changes description
Add some quick description about what your PullRequest change in ARA's feature/behavior
Technical description
Add a quick description about what your PullRequest change in ARA's code. (example: add a processor check in...)
PR CheckList
Please make sure your PullRequest respect all those items :
- [ ] Your PR's title has the prefix :
- [ ] You have asked a review from one of the ARA maintainer in your PR.
- [ ] If your PR is related to an issue, add the issue's number in it.
- [ ] All the code you added is documented.
- [ ] All the code you added is tested and the tests are in success.
- [ ] You already signed the Contributor License Agreement and give us the document
[ARA core-api] Kudos, SonarCloud Quality Gate passed!
Still in WIP: TODO:
- [ ] Update data model and add constraints
- [ ] Migrate errors
- [ ] Communication
- [ ] Settings
[ARA core-api] Kudos, SonarCloud Quality Gate passed!
[ARA web-ui] Kudos, SonarCloud Quality Gate passed!