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Official code for ResUNetplusplus for medical image segmentation (TensorFlow & Pytorch implementation)

Results 14 ResUNetPlusPlus issues
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Thanks for your contribution about the work. Could you please tell me how can I do the same work using FCN8 model? Where should I change in the code?

I run,but I got an empty fold in new_data

Hi, I wanted to test your method, however, all the data directories are empty, so I cannot complete your suggested "First check for the correct path and the parameters." initial...

Infer. Py can only get the predicted results, but I don't know how to use the test set to test the IOU, Precision and loss of the model. I'm sorry...

Thanks for your contribution about the work. I can't evaluate the results, and it raise an error: TypeError: '

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'logs' referenced before assignment I don't konw how to solve this

tensorflow2.1 dear professor, i met this error,hope you could help me.Thank you. Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 118, in imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imagestest, verbose=1) File "/home/ma-user/anaconda3/envs/TensorFlow-2.1.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_core/python/keras/engine/", line 1013,...

where is the Kvasir-SEG dataset?? i can't find it anywhere...

Excuse me, can you upload the right weight file? I want to do an experiment to verify the performance of the network, but because there is no weight file I...

Thank you for your contribution to this field!Could you share the weight file? (resunetplusplus.h5)