fastapi-versioning copied to clipboard
Supported kargs in versioned documentation
Till now some arguments of FastAPI where not working, like:
description="Core API",
swagger_ui_parameters={"docExpansion": "none"},
This issue is yet fixed
just created an issue with this #72
@DeanWay please accept the merge and consider packaging it in pypi, that would be great, thanks.
@DeanWay if you abandoned this repo please give access to the pypi keys. So I do the update, thanks.
@DeanWay the Travis configuration is not working properly.
@PabloRuizCuevas Nice fix, I was facing same issue. @DeanWay pls merge this commit
@r3v4s @PabloRuizCuevas I've been maintaining a new version of this project here:
Feel free to open any issues/PRs there.