node-red-contrib-persist copied to clipboard
2/3 Barcharts won't store.
I have about 30 persist stores all running fine, but I have 3 bar charts, and while the three of them are setup mostly the same, only 1 out of the 3 actually save.
Here's the node I'm using to format the bar charts:
This promotes persist, so presumably it's designed to work with it, and the fact that one of my three actually works, supports this.
I believe this is an error on my part, but I've tried changing persist stores, adding new stores etc, I cannot get 2/3 to save.
The only one that saves correctly is the yearly bar chart.
Here's the flow in question:
[ { "id": "8e0a7dd3b44b0b4d", "type": "switch", "z": "51e666f90898a40f", "name": "", "property": "payload.POWER", "propertyType": "msg", "rules": [ { "t": "cont", "v": "ON", "vt": "str" }, { "t": "cont", "v": "OFF", "vt": "str" } ], "checkall": "true", "repair": false, "outputs": 2, "x": 670, "y": 1800, "wires": [ [ "cf3ee5f3dddae8d4" ], [] ] }, { "id": "693c6a54e5e850a8", "type": "mqtt in", "z": "51e666f90898a40f", "name": "", "topic": "tele/Heating/STATE", "qos": "2", "datatype": "auto-detect", "broker": "01c2236853d80693", "nl": false, "rap": true, "rh": 0, "inputs": 0, "x": 510, "y": 1800, "wires": [ [ "8e0a7dd3b44b0b4d" ] ] }, { "id": "cf3ee5f3dddae8d4", "type": "function", "z": "51e666f90898a40f", "name": "Topic changer", "func": "msg.topic = \"HeatingStatus\"\nmsg.payload = 1;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "timeout": 0, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 860, "y": 1780, "wires": [ [ "85236b045f630daa", "fedf315c05385fd2", "25f1569219204c5c" ] ] }, { 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"id": "fedf315c05385fd2", "type": "bar-chart-data", "z": "51e666f90898a40f", "name": "bar-chart-data2", "x_interval": "days", "x_size": "7", "unit": "Minutes boiler has been on.", "precision": "2", "is_meter_reading": "False", "agg_by": "sum", "x": 1080, "y": 1780, "wires": [ [ "03cc76950df0bdab", "c34d9c05e40771d2" ] ] }, { "id": "03cc76950df0bdab", "type": "ui_chart", "z": "51e666f90898a40f", "name": "", "group": "9f3e4c8a76e60c1b", "order": 3, "width": 0, "height": 0, "label": "Last week", "chartType": "bar", "legend": "false", "xformat": "Day", "interpolate": "linear", "nodata": "", "dot": false, "ymin": "", "ymax": "", "removeOlder": "7", "removeOlderPoints": "", "removeOlderUnit": "86400", "cutout": 0, "useOneColor": false, "useUTC": false, "colors": [ "#1f77b4", "#aec7e8", "#ff7f0e", "#2ca02c", "#98df8a", "#d62728", "#ff9896", "#9467bd", "#c5b0d5" ], "outputs": 1, "useDifferentColor": false, "className": "", "x": 1280, "y": 1780, "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "25f1569219204c5c", 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I've genuinely spent about 4 hours on/off on this and even ended up reinstalling persist, and the issue is still there. I'd really love some help on this.