DeFi Money-Printer
DeFi Money-Printer
I will begin work for this task ASAP for tokenmint main-net (and likely Episode 3 for my video series of "Zendoo IT!")
update - video is recorded, document started $ZCAT minted (and I won the race to mint.... but not declaring vs $SUGAR) hehe I sent my self 11.3 ZEN for safety...
@PowerVANO work is completed for submission, please note this is not the final version of the video (linked within the document) I will release on youtube with audiosync and cuts....
final work @PowerVANO
I submitted the wrong link the first time here is the full one
@Horusfeathers sure thing. the hard part was getting the longer one together.
> > I submitted the wrong link the first time here is the full one > > Although I do like the video, an hour is a very long...
hey @Horusfeathers @PowerVANO I have cut down the 1:06:00 video down to ~11 minutes in 2 sections (part 1 is everything up to the forward transfer from sphere to cobalt)...
> full tutorial w/ highlights only.