Daz Wilkin

Results 54 issues of Daz Wilkin

**What happened?** I'm using [MicroK8s](https://microk8s.io) and its 'built-in' [registry](https://microk8s.io/docs/registry-built-in) defaults to insecure (`http`) on port `32000` (this appears non-configurable). Even though specific to MicroK8s, it's not unreasonable to use a...

help wanted

**Description of the problem/feature request** `kube-linter` could be very useful, thanks for creating it! As an alternative approach to combining multiple YAML files into one using the document start (`---`)...

help wanted

### What did you do? I have 27 active targets. Usually, I can browse these through the Web UI (Service Discovery | Targets) without issue. However, when I deploy a...


```console [CloudFunctionsCollector] function: projects/webmention/locations/us-central1/functions/webmention [CloudFunctionsCollector] runtime: go113 Get "https://cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/v1/projects?alt=json&fields=projects.projectId%2Cprojects.projectNumber&filter=lifecycleState%3AACTIVE&pageSize=10&prettyPrint=false": dial tcp [2607:f8b0:400a:801::200a]:443: connect: cannot assign requested address ``` I think the issue was the `log.Fatal` in `collectors/projects.go`. Testing with a...

Code panicking: ``` panic: send on closed channel goroutine 4654 [running]: github.com/DazWilkin/gcp-exporter/collector.(*FunctionsCollector).Collect.func1(...) /gcp-exporter/collector/functions.go:138 +0x807 created by github.com/DazWilkin/gcp-exporter/collector.(*FunctionsCollector).Collect /gcp-exporter/collector/functions.go:80 +0x12a ``` The error does not arise immediately and it's always `functions.go:138`...

After running GCP Exporter for a while: ```console gcp-exporter | 2021/04/24 18:34:18 Projects filter: 'lifecycleState:ACTIVE lifecycleState:ACTIVE ...' ``` There should only ever be a single occurrence. Grrr: ```golang type ProjectsCollector...

Have been using [logr](https://github.com/go-logr/logr) in other projects and like the easier ability to "name" log entries and to use key-value pairs.

The python/demo index.html does not correctly render last-added files to the user's uploaded files table even though the upload POST culminates in a redirect (refresh) of the page. If the...

## Type of question General operator-related help ## Question #### What did you do? I'm attempting to migrate an existing (working) v3 Operator to v4 using [Migration from go/v3 to...


https://opencensus.io/quickstart/python/metrics/ The code appears to contain errors. I have a working sample and I'll provide snippets from that where I think errors appear in the sample. Coming from the Golang...