Daz Wilkin

Results 48 comments of Daz Wilkin

Thanks for the always prompt and thoughtful replies! Is my approach reasonable? Are those headers appropriate signals for e.g. "proxied by Cloud Endpoints"? Does this approach too-easily fail-unsafe? It feels...

Every opinion is helpful, thank you! I'm genuinely trying to understand this and to keep my life simpler. **Rereading my initial question, I realize I could have worded it more...

Thanks for the reply! I was successful with only minor, wonky hacking involved ;-) src/nix_ext.rs: ``` 42: soft: u32, 43: hard: u32, ``` src/main.rs: ``` 1061: setrlimit(rlimit.typ as i32, rlimit.soft...

Thank you! I noticed removal of the "0" bucket in the code and had wondered whether that was a solution but forgot to try it. Thank you @rghetia

I observe the same behavior using @reselbob's code and I'm unable to find issue with it (either). I added @dyladan's `ConsoleLogger` but this generates no logs; I ran the `jaegertracing/all-in-one`...

Love the principle of TypedJS but having some problems using it so, with apologies if I'm being a "DA".... Does currying work? I tried a simple function: ``` javascript fnCurry...

Thank you for such a prompt and helpful response! I missed `The "google.golang.org/protobuf/types/dynamicpb" package can be used to create Go type descriptors from protobuf descriptors.`. I'll have a look `dynamicpb.NewMessageType`....

@dsnet I've made some progress but once more stuck, asking in this thread as it's related to my original comment. My test proto: ```protobuf service Adder { rpc add(AdderRequest) returns...

@dsnet -- an update to confirm that I've got everything working. Thanks for your help!