chineseocr_lite copied to clipboard
when i test an image on windows: the result is : 预测结果: 妫€绁ㄥ彛:B10/B11 L029978 姊у窞鍗楃珯 D3705 鍗楀畞涓滅珯 wuzhounan uOpIuuEN 07骞存棤搴 960鏃0H08L0 浜岀瓑搴 鏀姌 90绌?澶 闄愪箻褰撴棩褰撴杞 濮嬪彂鏀圭 鐜嬬鐞 4521321982涓颁赴涓?037 鐖辫揣璇峰埌95306 涔扮エ璇峰埌12306 涓浗閾佽矾绁濇偍鏃呴€旀剦蹇 鍗楀畞涓滃敭 8L66Z0190202 36451 角度检测和文字识别总时间:1.40714s
it may be a GBK related problem, try chcp 65001
in your cmd/powershell (GBK -> UTF8),then rerun the program.