WebPirate copied to clipboard
Vulnerable to Freak Attack
Webprirate is vulnerable to the Freak attack. See: https://freakattack.com/ Stock browser is safe.
See this as a reference: https://together.jolla.com/question/85049/sailfish-freaked-out/ From a security standpoint it isn't a pressuring issue as there are only theoretical ways to use this vulnerability (because QtWebkit itself does not support RSA_EXPORT and you need extra complicated hacks [hacking your access point/router/modem and the website] to get this working). And this is all theory for the moment.
@llelectronics sure, i think its not that big of a problem too, still it should be fixed. (if possible)
About qtwebkit not supporting it, if you test with https://cve.freakattack.com the stock browser refuses the connection (invalid server key, i'm aware stock is gecko), my desktop chrome does the same.
Webpirate allows the unsecure key.
I know this issue but I can't do anything atm.
I don't know when Jolla release Qt >= 5.4 on Sailfish, so this week I have worked on an experimental version of WebPirate which uses Blink instead of the obsolete/buggy QtWebKit.
I have (almost) successfully ported the Chromium Embedded Framework (https://code.google.com/p/chromiumembedded/) on Qt/QML.
CEF uses Chromium 42 code base, it's updated and faster, and a very good alternative to QtWebKit.
Yeah same as webcat. Therefor cooperating with Jolla is necessary hopefully the problem will be fixed with an update of qtwebkit && openssl . I also hope sslv3 will be fixed aswell as I see this as a bigger issue atm.
@Dax89 : Great news that you are working on chromiumembedded. That will bring in lots of cool new stuff and speed. I personally believe Qt 5.4 will be part of the SailfishOS 2.0 update coming in June.
Thanks to you both for creating an alternative browser for sailfish. I just wasn't sure about if its on your radar. I also think that the freak attack can and should be mitigated primarily by the server owner.
Keep up your great work.
@llelectronics I will upload the porting here on GitHub when it starts to become usable, so we can benefit both :) @smurfy Thanks! :)
This is the repository containing my work done with Chromium Embedded (currently based on Chromium 42): https://github.com/Dax89/QtCEF
I'm giving priority on QtQuick implementation (the QWidget part is stubbed), I'm able to render web pages and playing HTML5 videos without issues (the rendering part needs a rewrite, but is low priority atm).
This is the result using the example contained in the repository: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40206233/Screenshots/QtCEF/Chromium_QtQuick.png
A lot of work still needs to be done :)
Cool, very nice
POODLE & others too. https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/viewMyClient.html :(