David Zemon
David Zemon
PropWare should really have library support for a sigma-delta converter. Make it happen..
It has a method named `refreshLock` which should be `refresh_lock`. Check for other such inconsistencies.
The CMake documentation is still not what it should be. It needs to be reviewed with a very find-toothed comb and updated. Some parts will need a complete re-write, while...
Not sure if it's only new versions of SimpleIDE, or the PropGCC, or Windows 10, or what. But it seems pretty thoroughly busted. The best thing may be to provide...
I think this simple application would be best implemented as a web app, available on PropWare's website. It could also be available as CMake script provided by the PropWare build...
See example in Spin [here](http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php/160151-Propeller-IO-access-object)
Here's a great I2C-based implementation in Spin for the MCP23008 http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php/159828-A-Simple-MCP23008-Object (Relies on #18)
Title says it all. Add methods to the `PropWare::Utility` class to make use of the log and antilog tables
Now that I have a Propeller DNA board, I plan to add an RTC object [S-35390A](http://datasheet.sii-ic.com/en/real_time_clock/S35390A_E.pdf) This will depend on the [I2C object](https://github.com/DavidZemon/PropWare/issues/18)