David Zemon
David Zemon
I've been developing my own CI processes for Conan-enabled packages for over a year now and it's definitely caused me a fair share of headaches. I'd like to do less...
I was running into a problem with absolute paths in the CMake scripts generated by freeopcua when a package is built. The scripts executed by `find_package(freeocpua)` contained absolute paths to...
Could you start using version numbers for this project and then tag commits as you create new releases? This will help users of your project manage their dependencies better and...
Can you please allow using the hljs directive inside a `` or `` tag instead of requiring it inside ``? When I do drop it in one of those, I...
`protobuf-codegen` v3.2.0 appears to fail when using an `enum` with a reserved field - either reserved ID or reserved name. Both of the following enums cause a failure: ```.proto enum...
The flush method is not exposed by `FatFS` and that prevents safe writes from occurring. Expose the method as public on the `FatFS` class, and probably on the `Filesystem` parent...
See reasoning here: https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/display/c/PRE10-C.+Wrap+multistatement+macros+in+a+do-while+loop
PropWare's build system should be perfectly capable of building projects that don't use PropWare's, Simple's, or anyone else's libraries. Unfortunately, `find_package(PropWare REQUIRED)` has a hard dependency on `PROPWARE_PATH` which is...
The download page does not explain why you would want to choose SimpleIDE over Windows/Linux/Mac instructions. In the Windows section, there are also missing instructions about installing GNU Make and...
The auto-detected package dependencies are unreasonably new. For instance, the .deb file depends on libfontconfig1 v2.11.94 or newer, which is not available on Debian Stretch (newest release at the time...