David Zemon

Results 35 comments of David Zemon

Can you upload your project, or email it to me if its confidential? Or a link if it's opensource, of course. I'll have to tinker with it to see why...

FYI: Haven't forgotten about you, but today filled up and I don't suspect I'll have any time tomorrow either. Look for a response Friday maybe?

That's very interesting. The compiler should add that automatically. But yes, I can absolutely add that to the command line automatically for you

Ohh, I'm fairly certain the PropGCC shipped with CLion completely stripped out all XMM* support. That would explain that problem at least. And yes, I saw the `EXTRA_STACK_BYTES` warning as...

Yep, but that should be a different problem from pthread btw `target_link_libraries(my_target PUBLIC stdc++)` Beware of code size though. There's a reason this isn't even an exposed option lol

Oohhhh.... Oh Microsoft. That's annoying, for sure. Okay, I'll add a CMake option (which will default to `OFF`) to include Arduino's `Servo.h` (I'm guessing that's where the other one is...

You're not trying to _use_ both Simple and libPropelleruino, are you?

@BloodWorkXGaming, please try downloading the version of PropWare available in either of the two builds linked above (click the green checkmark to get a link to the build on the...

I forgot a pretty critical part: replace `find_package(PropWare REQUIRED)` with ``` find_package(PropWare REQUIRED COMPONENTS Simple LibPropeller PropWare ArdionoJson) ``` This will exclude LibPropelleruino (note: not libPropeller) which has `Servo.h`. The...

Ah, that's I get for trying to think at 6am. Try ``` find_package(PropWare REQUIRED COMPONENTS Simple Libpropeller PropWare ArdionoJson) ``` And of course, the `PropWare` and `ArduinoJson` components are optional...