David Whitlock
David Whitlock
Awesome! Thanks for letting me know. I'll give this a try when I start preparing for the Winter offering of my course.
Well, the Gilded Rose kata uses the Apache Maven Wrapper: https://github.com/emilybache/GildedRose-Refactoring-Kata/commit/0eab1974d7d8e4924f825885f00c6f5a8e26dd98 So, we should be able to, also.
And we probably want to add this to the top-level POM: ``` maven-scm-publish-plugin 3.1.0 gh-pages true true ```
While I'm at it, I should make sure that the results of the integration tests (failsafe plugin) are included in the reports.
Hmm. It looks like the surefire and failsafe reports are still not included in the site: http://davidwhitlock.github.io/PortlandStateJava/grader/project-reports.html
When I change the top-level `pom.xml`, I should also remove the reference to the JBoss `bintray` Maven repository. It doesn't exist anymore and, so, we don't need it.
Some discussion at https://github.com/google/guice/issues/1490
It looks like Guice 7.0 supports the Jakarta APIs: https://github.com/google/guice/wiki/Guice700 But it looks like the resteasy-guice module was removed: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RESTEASY-3329
One file helper that would be helpful is a method that copies a resource file to a file in a directory (such as the JUnit `@TempDir` directory).
Oh. And it's possible that failsafe isn't configured to mark `src/it/resources` as a resource directory.