David Griswold
David Griswold
I ended reverting away from these tools entirely and using the Windows 10 colortool from https://github.com/Microsoft/console/tree/master/tools/ColorTool instead. It has solarized themes built in and is supported by MS directly so...
Big thumbs up to this! Adding this to the docs could be very helpful. I initially set up a docker container but after finding this it is a much better...
I am also having this problem, with both a DS4 and a SN30+ paired as a switch controller.
Yeah that's fair, though I will say that I personally find this one significantly more useful than scaling one. But I understand not wanting to clutter things up.
This is not the same as the linked issue, since that seems to apply to all Windows keys and this is specifically about the one created by SteamInput on Steam...
This is the same as #172 Citra MMJ solves this problem by using four inputs for all directional axes, essentially treating axis + direction as one button for digital controls....
Just another voice to say that I too have this issue, with 1.17.2 installed today on an up to date Galaxy S21 FE. I am using an 8bitdo micro, and...
Ah, I see the Development readme now. It's short but hopefully will help me get started. I'll just need to set up a way to easily transmit the binaries to...
so the sources live on your deck and you SSH in from your main PC? In that case I guess I might as well just dock the deck (I've got...
For anybody else reading this, just an FYI that you can also access the volumes directly through the file browser - they appear under the "Devices" column on the left....