Google-Maps-Location-History-Parser icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Google-Maps-Location-History-Parser copied to clipboard

Parse the extracted data from Google Maps' Location History into a list of unique lat/long coordinates.

Google Maps Location History Parser

The included script will parse the extracted JSON data from Google Maps' Location History, and output a list of unique lat/long coordinates in a .txt file for your own use.

Older tutorials concerning Google Latitude, and Google Maps' Timeline would require raw extraction, or looping through exporting KML files, etc. Nowadays, Google Takeout supports exporting one's Location History easily.

Steps to export data

  1. Visit Google Takeout.
  2. Click Select None at the top of the list to deselect all other options.
  3. Navigate down to Location History and select it. Leave the default export at JSON.
  4. Click Next, and choose your File Type, Archive Size, and Delivery Method.
  5. Once the file is downloaded and unarchived, proceed to the next steps.

Parse your export data

  1. Download Parse Google Location and place the script in the same directory as your Location History.json export.
  2. Run the script from your chosen command line (python Parse Google Location


There's an additional function included for converting the Lat/Long coordinates in E7 format to decimal. It's not made use of in the script, but it may be helpful to any interested.