PixelSorting icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
PixelSorting copied to clipboard

c++ and OpenFrameworks implementation of the Pixel Sorting algorithm with multithreading, a GUI, and ability to apply pixel sorting to video files.

Pixel Sorting

What is pixel sorting?

In short, pixel sorting is a generative art technique developed by Kim Asendorf. It is done by taking an interval of pixels in a row or column from an image and rearranging or sorting them based on some criteria.

The intervals can be determined arbitrarily, such as selecting all consecutive pixels under a certain brightness threshold, and then sorting them by some property such as brightness values.

For more details and a visual explanation check this blog post by satyarth here.

Why make this program?

satyarth has already created a comprehensive command line tool written in Python to perform pixel sorting on images. I wanted to be able to easily apply pixel sorting to videos files which would require a lot of manual work using existing tools.

Additionally, I wanted to implement multithreading on the pixel sort algorithm to speed it up which will be especially useful for sorting long videos. The single threaded python application can sort a 1920x1200 image at a 45 degree angle with thresholds set from 0.25 - 0.8 (default parameters) in about 17 seconds. This c++ multithreaded application can perform the same sort on the same image in 2.1 seconds while showing the image as its being sorted and allowing for rapid iteration.

I also wanted to create an application with a gui to give more immediate visual feedback to the user and add other tools such as mask drawing in app.

Supported Platforms

Pixel Sortium has released builds for Windows-64 Bit OS and MacOS. I will be looking into a Linux build as well.


This application uses OpenFrameworks and c++ for the pixel sorting and image loading. OpenCV is used to load videos, take the modified pixels from each frame, and collect them into an .mp4 file. UI is made using ofxDatGui.

Installation and Usage

You can find installation instructions and documentation here!

Also, I have made videos you can follow along with for installation and a feature walkthough video here.

Supported file types

The supported files types are based on the underlying libraries used by OpenFrameworks and OpenCV.

Images (from FreeImage library): png, jpg, jpeg, jp2, bmp, tif, tga, pcx, ico

Videos (from OpenCV): AVI, MKV, MP4, + more (Hard to get an actual list since it can vary by platform + codecs available, but most common video file types are supported)

Feature Enhancement Ideas

  • Enhance masking functionality
    • Use mask as intervals
    • Improve performance of mask drawing
    • Add ability to use any image as a mask with threshold customization
    • Write fragment shader to display what intervals will be sorted, dynamically as thresholds are modified
    • Add color pickers to modify mask color, angle arrows (default of white is not visible on white portions of images)
  • Improve UI clarity and usability
    • Add diagnostics and metrics to be shown in app (time taken, current frame for videos, what the application is currently doing, error messages, tooltips)
    • Using mask, last sorting time, what its currently doing, est time to completion, percentage complete
    • Make a better icon: Guide
  • Add undo/redo functionality
  • Video improvements
    • Allow saving video files to desired format (default is mp4 now regardless of input video format)
    • Reduce size of sorted video files. It is a known behavior that OpenCV VideoWriter will drastically increase size of videos
    • Add ability to scrub through videos to select start and end frame, see what intervals will be sorted at that frame
    • Break up video sorting to multiple files and concatenate them all at the end so in the case of any issues not all progress is lost
    • Add ability to apply curves or easing functions to parameter values to change them over the course of a video sorting
  • Look into Linux support
  • Refine sorting algorithm to improve performance
  • Lots of refactoring to make the code less tightly coupled and more modular


Other Pixel Sorting Scripts/Programs