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MD048: Make it automatically fixable

Open skwde opened this issue 11 months ago • 2 comments

The description of rules at is followed by the list of fixable rules.

MD048 seems fairly easy to fix (I also haven't found info on why it is not fixable).

So can it be done or is there a good reason why it is not?

skwde avatar Sep 13 '23 11:09 skwde

This looks like an oversight. I'll implement this soon.

DavidAnson avatar Sep 13 '23 16:09 DavidAnson

This isn't implemented because it requires a single fix that touches both the open and close of the fence (different lines) and that is not easily possible today. It will be possible someday and this behavior should be straightforward to implement then.

DavidAnson avatar Sep 16 '23 03:09 DavidAnson