reagent-material-ui copied to clipboard
Material UI component wrappers for reagent
Reagent Material UI
A reagent wrapper for Material UI components.
Thanks to the maintainers of reagent-material, which I basically copied and turned into a package. Thanks also to om-material-ui for providing the build process for the material ui javascript.
Just add [reagent-material-ui "0.2.5"]
to your project.clj
, then require the components like so:
(ns your-project.example
(:require [reagent-material-ui.core :refer [AppBar Card]]))
You can then use the Material UI components as you would normal reagent components. See the Material UI docs for more info about the different components.
A simple example
The following assumes you've included the font icon css in your project based on the instructions here.
(ns my.project
(:require [reagent-material-ui.core :as ui]))
;; some helpers
(def el reagent/as-element)
(defn icon [nme] [ui/FontIcon {:className "material-icons"} nme])
(defn color [nme] (aget ui/colors nme))
;; create a new theme based on the dark theme from Material UI
(defonce theme-defaults {:muiTheme (ui/getMuiTheme
(-> ui/darkBaseTheme
(js->clj :keywordize-keys true)
(update :palette merge {:primary1Color (color "amber500")
:primary2Color (color "amber700")})
(defn simple-nav []
(let [is-open? (atom false)
close #(reset! is-open? false)]
(fn []
[ui/AppBar {:title "yipgo" :onLeftIconButtonTouchTap #(reset! is-open? true)}]
[ui/Drawer {:open @is-open? :docked false}
[ui/ListItem {:leftIcon (el [:i.material-icons "home"])
:on-click (fn []
(accountant/navigate! "/")
(for [[doc details] @(rf/subscribe [])]
^{:key doc} [ui/ListItem {:secondaryText "Something something"
:rightIconButton (el [ui/IconMenu {:iconButtonElement (el [ui/IconButton {:touch true} [icon "more_vert"]])}
[ui/MenuItem "Delete"]])
:onTouchTap (fn []
;; some action or another, then close the menu
[new-doc-modal close]]])))
(defn home-page []
[ui/MuiThemeProvider theme-defaults
[:h2 "Welcome to a simple, example application."]]]])