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Proposal for standard for generics (for static analysis)

PHP Generics specification (for static analysis)

This is very much work in progress. As of 29th Jan 2021 trying to determine if there is a need for this and whether now is the time. See and comment on Is a standard needed?

If you see any problems or have and comments then please raise issues or submit small PRs to enhance the document.

Generics in PHP are already a reality by using advanced static analysers such as Psalm and PHPStan. There are huge benefits that added type safety that generics bring. These benefits are due to improved clarity of code and reduced costs from fewer bugs.

There is already an unofficial standard for generics, see documentation from Psalm and PHPStan. Additional information required for generics is added in docblocks.

A major blocker to increased uptake is the lack of an "official" standard for generics. A standard will provide tools (such as IDEs) and libraries with a clear guidelines for implementing and supporting generics.

The purposes of this repository are:

  • Formalise the existing unofficial standards by specifying the syntax. (Rest of this document)
  • Create a series of test set of code snippets for testing static analysers against the specification. (See tests)
  • Eventually progress to a PSR or similar "official" standard. (Assuming this is something the FIG would support).


  • To create a clear set of standards for annotating code with the additional information required for generics. Analysis is done by static analysers, not at the run time.
  • Provide a set of code samples that illustrate correct behaviour for generics.
  • The initial standard is pragmatic. It will aim to address the vast majority of use cases. Some edge cases will not be addressed.
  • The standard will not prevent code from working that does not support the generics notation.
  • Has buy in from the established static analysers (Psalm, PHPStan and Phan) and IDEs (PHPStorm, see their initial technical feedback).
  • Will be palatable for library and framework maintainers to add support if they want to.

Non Goals

  • Run time support. The information is for static analysers only.
  • To provide complete generics support.
  • This deals with only docblocks required for generics. This is not a replacement for PSRs 5 and 19.


There are two parts to the specification.

  1. The syntax itself (which is based on the current unofficial standard).
  2. How code is annotated with the additional information required by generics. Proposed are 2 methods:
    • Docblocks (the current unofficial standard).
    • Subject to demand and support from tools an Attributes. This the same syntax but adding it to an attribute rather than a docblock.

The specification is supported by a series of code snippets to illustrate the expected behaviour (with respect to generics).

This is a brief examples of how code can be annotated with additional information required for generics.

Docblock version

This is the current unofficial standard:

 * @template T
 * @param T $value
 * @return array<int,T> 
function asArray(
) { 
    return [$value]; 

Attribute version

The attribute version is documented in


  • This file:

    • TODO
    • FAQs
    • Related articles
    • PHP Generics Notation
    • Attributes
    • Test cases
    • Further discussion points
    • Conclusions
    • Feedback, suggestions, comments
  • Attributes (PHP Code) (Assuming there is demand and support for this):

    • Template
    • Type
    • Extend
    • Implement
  • Code Examples:

    • Using docblocks
    • Using Attributes
  • Test cases:

    • Test cases


  • [ ] Add more test cases (e.g. corner cases)
  • [ ] Add test cases for Attributes (port the docblock tests, maybe a job for Rector?)
  • [ ] Add glossary
  • [ ] Create script to run test code samples through Psalm and PHPStan and check errors reported by those tools match lines annotated with ERROR: in the sample files.
  • [ ] Add code of conduct
  • [ ] Add contributing doc


  • Did you know X is already working on this? No. Let Dave Liddament know and we'll join forces.
  • Why isn't this a PSR? The hope is this will become a PSR or similar. The purpose of this document is to get the process doing. If there is enough interest then it will be submitted to the FIG in the hope it becomes a PSR.
  • Isn't this covered by PSRs 5 and 19? Those are more general PSRs. Here the focus is only on generics.
  • Who are you to decide this? Merely an enthusiastic user of static analysis tools and a fan of generics (from Java days). The hope is this will help wider adoption of generics and static analysis in the PHP community.
  • What happens if PHP evolves to have generics as part of the language? That will be great news. Tools like Rector will have rulesets created to automatically convert from code annotated with generics information to full language support.

Related articles

PHP Generics

Generics requires additional information. This additional information is added either via docblock or Attribute.


TODO add in definition of terms including: supertype, subtype, covariance, contravariance, union types, etc

Template type

Code is often written that can operate on data of any types. Consider code that models a queue. The queue could hold almost anything; strings, objects, integers, etc. At the time of writing the code the type of data the queue holds is unknown. Instead of specifying the type a placeholder or template type is specified instead. The actual type that the templated type resolves to is known based on the context of how the code is used.

A templated type MUST resolve to any FQCN or primitive type.

By convention a templated type is often referred to as T. In the case of arrays or collections with keys and values by convention K and V are used.

Using docblocks the template type is defined using @template, e.g. @template T

The @template annotation can only be added to:

  • functions
  • methods
  • classes


Here is a class that holds a value, the type of the value it holds, T, is not known at the time of writing the ValueHolder class.

 * @template T 
class ValueHolder
    /** @var T */
    private $value;

    /** @param T $value */
    public function __construct($value) 
        $this->value = $value;
    /** @return T */
    public function value()
        return $this->value;

There are 3 ways of specifying the type of T.


The first is via the type passed into the constructor. In the example below an int is passed into the constructor. In this context T is an int.

$valueHolder = new ValueHolder(21);

$age = $valueHolder->value(); // $age is of type int.
  • tests/docblock/template_class_constructor.php

The second to specify the type is giving type information is via a @return.

/** @return ValueHolder<int> */
function getAgeValueHolder(): ValueHolder 
    return new ValueHolder(21);

$age = getAgeValueHolder()->value(); // $age is of type int 
  • tests/docblock/template_class_return.php

The third method is to specify type information via a @var docblock on a class property.

class Entity 
    /** @var ValueHolder<int> */
    public ValueHolder $ageValueHolder;
    public function __construct() 
        $this->ageValueHolder = new ValueHolder(21);

$entity = new Entity();
$age = $entity->ageValueHolder; // $age is of type int
  • tests/docblock/template_class_property.php

The final method is specifying type information via a @param docblock.

/** @param ValueHolder<int> $intValueHolder */
function takesIntValueHolder(ValueHolder $intValueHolder): void 
    $age = $intValueHolder->value(); // $age is of type int 
  • tests/docblock/template_class_param.php

Class templates that cannot be derived from constructor

Consider an object that models a queue:

/** @template T */
class Queue
    /** T $item */
    public function add($item): void {...}
    /** @return T */
    public function next() {...}

When creating an instance of the Queue the type T can not be inferred.

The type of entities in the queue needs explicitly stating. In the example below the @var docblock is used to show the Queue takes items of type string:

/** @var Queue<string> $queue */
$queue = new Queue();

$queue->add("hello"); // This is OK
$item = $queue->next(); // $item is a string 
  • tests/docblock/template_class_no_constructor.php
  • tests/docblock/template_class_no_constructor_invalid.php


Template types can also be used on functions. E.g.:

 * @template T
 * @param T $value
 * @return T
function mirror($value) 
    return $value;

In this example the type T is determined by the type of the argument $value.

In the example below $value is of type string. Therefore T will be string. The return type and thus $mirroredValue will also be of type string.

$mirroredValue = mirror("hello world");
  • tests/docblock/template_function.php

Multiple types

It is possible to specify multiple types. Consider a code to represent a map collection. The type of both the map key (K) and map value (V) need specifying:

 * @template K
 * @template V 
class Map
     * @param K $key
     * @param V $value
    public function add($key, $value): void {...}
     * @param K $key
     * @return V
    public function getValue($key) {...}

To specify multiple templated types add the type information in the angular brackets in the same order that the @template appear. In the Map example, the first @template is for the type of K and the second for V. In the following example K is string and V is Person:

/** @var Map<string,Person> */
$map = new Map();
  • tests/docblock/template_multiple_types.php

Restricting Template types

It is possible to restrict what a template type resolves to. For example restricting T to only be objects is done by using of:

/** @template T of object */

Full of example:

 * @template T of object
 * @param T $value
 * @return T
function mirror($value)
    return $value;

$person = mirror(new Person); // OK

$int = mirror(7); // Problem as int is not an object

It is also possible a number of valid types. E.g. to allow T to be either an int of string is done like this:

/** @template T of int|string */


 * @template T of int|string
 * @param T $value
 * @return T
function mirror($value)
    return $value;

$int = mirror(7); // OK
$bool = mirror(true); // Problem as a boolean is not a string or int.

A template can restrict to an object and subtypes of that object. For example:

interface Shape {...}

class Square implements Shape {...}

/** @template T of Shape */
class ShapeProcessor {...} // T can only resolve to Shape or a subtype of Shape

/** @var ShapeProcessor<Shape> $shapeProcessor */
$shapeProcessor = new ShapeProcessor(); // OK - Shape is a Shape!

/** @var ShapeProcessor<Square> $squareProcessor */
$squareProcessor = new ShapeProcessor(); // OK - Square is a Shape

/** @var ShapeProcessor<Person> $personProcessor */
$personProcessor = new ShapeProcessor(); // ERROR: Person not subtype of Shape
  • tests/docblock/restricting_templates.php
  • tests/docblock/restricting_templates_2.php
  • tests/docblock/restricting_templates_3.php

Class string

A class-string is a string that represents the FQCN of a class.

 * @param class-string $className
function takesClassString(string $className): void {}

takesClassString(Person::class); // OK (assuming Person is a valid class)

takesClassString("a random string"); // ERROR: Does not represent FQCN

A class string can be used in conjunction with a templated type.

In the example below $className is the FQCN of the type T, so T is of type Person:

 * @template T
 * @param class-string<T> $className
 * @return T
function build(string $className) {
    return new $className;

$person = build(Person::class); // $person is an object of type Person
  • tests/docblock/class_string.php
  • tests/docblock/template_class_string.php

Extending/Implementing types


Consider a repository. The base class has a persist method.

/** @template T */
abstract class Repository 
    /** @param T $entity */
    public function persist($entity) {...}

The concrete implementations must specify the T and could provide additional methods. E.g.:

/** @extends Repository<Person> */
class PersonRepository extends Repository {...}

NOTE: the @extends docblock. It states that Repository is being extended. It also states that T is of type Person.


If a class is implementing and interface then use @implements.

interface Job {...}
class SendEmailJob implements Job {...}
class CreatePdfJob implements Job {...}

/** @template T */
interface JobProcessor
    /** @param T $job */
    public function process($job): void {...}

/** @implements JobProcessor<SendEmailJob> */
class EmailSenderJobProcessor implements JobProcessor
    public function process($job): void {...}

$emailSenderJobProcessor = new EmailSenderJobProcessor();
$emailSenderJobProcessor->process(new SendEmailJob()); // OK

$emailSenderJobProcessor->process(new CreatePdfJob()); // ERROR. Expected SendEmailJob got CreatePdfJob

Restricting extended/implemented types

As before it is possible to put restrictions on the templated type. E.g. T in JobProcessor should be restricted to Job. This is done as before:

/** @template T of Job */
interface JobProcessor {...}

class Person {}

// The following is not allowed as Person is not a Job
/** @implements JobProcessor<Person> */
class PersonProcessor implements JobProcessor {...}
  • tests/docblock/extending_types.php
  • tests/docblock/extending_types_with_restriction.php
  • tests/docblock/extending_types_with_restriction_2.php

Arrays and iterables

TODO behaviour difference between PHPStan and Psalm. Need to decide correct path to take here.

array and iterable

Arrays and iterables can have their key and value pairs specified, just as with generics. E.g.

 * @param iterable<string, Person> $people 
 * @return array<string,Person>
function sortPeople(iterable $people): array {}

Short versions that don't specify the type of the key are also allowed:

 * @param iterable<Person> $people 
 * @return array<Person>
function sortPeople(iterable $people): array {}

In the cases above the type of key is assumed to be int|string. This means array<Person> is treated as array<string|int,Person>.


A frequently used convention for specifying returning and array of things (e.g. Books) is:

/** @return Book[] */
function getBooks() {...}

Book[] is the treated as array<string|int,Book>

Or more generally:

T is the same as array<string|int,T>

  • tests/docblock/arrays.php

TODO lots more test cases needed here

Array shapes

Support for object like arrays is documented in this way:

array{0: string, person: Person, age?: int}

This means:

  • The first item in the array must be of type string.
  • An entry with the key person and value of type Person object MUST be supplied.
  • An optional entry with key age and value of type int can also be specified. The ? after the key name denotes it is optional.


takesArrayShape(['Anna', 'age' => 21, 'person' => new Person()]); // OK - All data provided
takesArrayShape(['Bob',  'person' => new Person()]); // OK - All all mandatory data provided
takesArrayShape([true, 'age' => 21, 'person' => new Person()]); // ERROR: Wrong type for arg 0.
takesArrayShape(['Charlie', 'age' => 22]); // ERROR: Missing 'Person'

/** @param array{0: string, age?:int,  person:Person} $array */
function takesArrayShape(array $array): void {..}
  • tests/docblock/array_shapes.php


Generators can be provided with type information for key, value, send and return types.

The first type is for key. The second for value. Third for send type. Forth for return type.

/** @return Generator<string,Person,bool,int> */
function getPeople(): Generator {...}

foreach(getPeople() as $name => $person) {
    // $name is of type string
    // $person is of type Person
    getPeople()->send(true); // Type sent must be of type bool

$count = getPeople()->getReturn(); // $count is of type int

When providing types either key and value must be provided, or all 4 types must be provided.

  • tests/docblock/generator_simple.php
  • tests/docblock/generator_full.php


TODO Decide which types MUST be supported


  • array-key (alias for string|int)
  • callable-array

See full list from Psalm and PHPStan.

Remember the scope of this specification is just for generics, need to strike the balance between just supporting generics, but also not hindering projects static analysis that has more specialised types (e.g. numeric). Perhaps a separate specification is needed for aliases?

Resolving class names

When class names are used in generics docblocks the rules for resolving them are the same as they are for normal PHP code.

namespace Code;

use Entities\Student;

class Room {...}

/** @var array<int,Room> */
$rooms = [];  // Room is defined in same namespace

/** @var array<int,Student> */
$students = [];  // Student is included via use statement

/** @var array<int,\Entities\Subject> */
$subjects = []; // FQCN for Subject is used
  • tests/docblock/namespace.php

Further discussion points

Code samples showing edge cases where PHPStan and Psalm differ.

  • tests/docblock/edgecase_class_string_templates.php


Tests provide an essential part of this standard. They show a static analyser should interpret code. They also define the correct behaviour for many of the corner cases that appear in generics.

The tests are available under the tests folder.

Rules for test scripts

Each script under the tests folder MUST be analysed on its own.

Each script should focus on one concept.

Concepts SHOULD have both passing and failing examples.

Happy path examples MUST have the comment // OK (There can be optional additional information as to why the case is valid) Failing examples MUST have the comment // ERROR - <description of problem>

The // OK or // ERROR comments MUST be on the same line of code. (I.e. it can not be before or after). This is so these scripts can be used as automated testing.

If a line of code has an // OK or // ERROR comment then it MUST NOT be split over multiple lines. (This is to help with test automation).

To test data is a certain type use a takesX function, e.g. function takesInt(int $value): void


 * @template T
 * @param T $value
 * @return T
function mirror($value)
    return $value;

function takesString(string $value): void {}
function takesInt(int $value): void {}

$stringValue = mirror("hello");
takesString($stringValue); // OK
takesInt($stringValue); // ERROR. Method expects int, string given

NOTE: Warnings/errors that are not applicable to generics MUST be ignored. E.g. warnings about unused variables are not relevant to generics, so MUST be ingored.


There is already a widely used unofficial standard for annotating code to enable static analysis for generics. This proposal endorses the existing standard.

There is an additional proposal that uses Attributes for annotating code with the extra information required for generics.

Acting now to formalise a version 1 of generics will stop multiple tools and vendors implementing the same thing. It will provide a standard that all static analysers and libraries can follow. This will provide maximum benefit to the PHP ecosystem.


Raise issues or create a PR with proposal for improvements.